Umm....Okay? (Very short chapter)

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                   (Tord's POV)
How come everyone is acting so weird?! It's a wedding, I really shouldn't be thinking about anything but Except, for Matt and Edd, of course. The wedding was amazing, I will admit I did cry a bit. I was just so happy, I was really glad they are together. I hope they have a nice life. After the wedding, Tom and I decided to go. I layed on the bed and then Tom wanted to go to the beach. It was night times of course, but it was a full moon, there were stars too. I really like the stars, they are truly beautiful.  "Umm, okay?" I said a little nervous. He looked nervous, what on Earth was he planning to do....?

To be continued....

Hey, guys. Sorry, I haven't been updating at all. I was really depressed, since something happened, I haven't been in the mood to write. I am not going to stop this book. I'm going to continue writing it. I will do something different though. So, just give me some time, I will start updating sooner or later. I can honestly promise you that. Just be patient, please. I'm sorry..

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