Love? New School? New friends?

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Yes, it is true. I'm gay, although I have never had a boyfriend. I've had a couple of crushes on some guys that were gay or bi, but I have never confessed, and also because I don't believe in true love. My parents say that one day I will find the right person. They will treat me with respect, Love me no matter what, and more, but I still haven't met him, I wonder who it will be.

* School time*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, "Ugh, I have a new life starting now..". I get up and put on some black jeans and a t-shirt, then I put my red hoodie on. I go to eat breakfast, a bowl of cereal, Pat (Patryk) drives me to school, we go meet the principle, He explain the rules and gives me my schedule. I finally find my first class, math. I walked in and the teacher saw me, I said I was the new student, she Introduced me to the class, " Everyone this is Tord, he is our new student, please treat him well." she said. " You can sit by Edd, Edd please raise your hand." I see a male with short brown hair and a green hoodie, I go sit next to him and he give me smile and says "welcome to the school Tord, Wanna be friends?" Edd says, " Um sure" I reply. "Cool, you can meet my group of friends and become one of us" He says excited, " sounds good" I say.  Class was over and we go to another class, this time I see that he was with someone else, I wonder who it is. Class is over and it's time for lunch, Edd walks over and says " follow me" I follow him and noticed that the person he was with earlier is beside him, he takes me to a table with a  male with black 'eyes', spiky hair, and a blue hoodie. He was kinda cute.. What am I thinking!!??.

Edd introduces me to the boy in the blue hoodie and the other boy who was with Edd earlier. " This is Tord, He is a new student and I was wondering if he could join us and be our friend." he says, " Sure" " Of course" they said. "Ok then, This is Tom and this is Matt."  " Hey, I'm Tom, I'm 15 years old, I'm very different than others, and um I'm gay." "Hello I'm Matt, I am 16 years old, I like everything in the world, and I'm bisexual."

"I'm Tord, I'm 16 years old, and I'm gay, although I have never had a boyfriend." I said shyly, " I'm Edd, I'm 16 years old, I love cola and drawing, and I'm also gay, although I never had a boyfriend, in fact nobody here has ever had a boyfriend." he said. We all ate lunch and I look at my schedule and saw that I had history next, " Does anyone have history next?" I asked, " Yeah, I do." I look up see Tom, "o-oh c-cool." I stuttered. "let's walk together." he smiled at me and I nodded, All was done and school was over.

"See you tomorrow Tord!" I hear Edd yell, "Wait!" I yell back. He stops and I asked if I could have there numbers, they all said yes and we had eachothers numbers. "see ya!" I yelled. I walked home and saw my parents, I was smiling like an idiot when I got home.

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