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( Tord's POV )

I wake up to the bright sun. I see Tom beside me still asleep, Memories from last night come back to my mind and I blushed at the thought of it. "I love you Thomas" I said, " I love you too Tord" I heard him say. I froze because I thought he was asleep. " You were awake the whole time!? What the fuck?!" I said still scared, " No, I woke up just in time to hear you say that you loved me." He smirked. "You bitch." I said a Little embarrassed, well we got up and got ready. We both took a shower, got dressed, and we went to see if Edd and Matt were awake. We knocked on the door and see Matt half asleep, "Good morning sunshine, where's sleeping beauty?" Tom said, Matt pointed to the bathroom, "Edd is taking a shower." He said. We soon hear the shower turn off, Tom smirks and says " Tord and I will hide and scare Edd, Matt you just act normal." We both nodded and Tom and I hid in the small closet.
Wow who knew I would be back in the closet again.. We hear The bathroom door open and Hear Matt talking to Edd. " I need to get dressed.." Edd says, he comes near the closet and when he opens it Tom and I jumps out and scare the living shit out of him. He dropped his towel and he went all red and mad, he kicked us out and the last thing we said was
"We WILL be back, haha" Tom and I went back to the room and the room was already cleaned thanks to room service. We then wait outside for the love birds, they come out and we went out to eat. When we were eating my phone vibrated and I checked what it was, it was a text from Pat, "Hi, how is everything going?" I smiled and answered "I'm having fun, We are eating breakfast right now.", About 2 minutes later he answered "K, I will let you be, love you.", "Love you" I said. We all finished, paid,then we went to the hotel and relaxed, Later tonight Tom said we were all going to the fair, I was very excited. At about 9:00 we got ready and headed to the fair, we got there at about 9:15. We had fun then it was time to go, I ask if we can go on the ferris wheel, we all agreed and got on I was with Tom and Matt with Edd. Matt and Edd were already on the top, they kissed and I knew right there was true love, they are happy. Tom and I were now close to the top, he was looking away and I wanted a kiss, but I was nervous. When we got to the top, I sighed and closed my eyes, starting to fantasize, then I feel to warm lips, touch my lips. I knew who it was.
    I love you Thomas

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