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( Tord's POV )

I can't believe it I KISSED HIM!! Oh my god I'm blushing so hard, Pat and Paul came in and asked me if I was okay. " N-not really, I'm not sure.." I stuttered. " Well, what did you do, what is bad, illigal, or what?!" they asked with concern, "Well, you see um.. I KISSED TOM!" They froze in shock, I didn't know what was going to happen, was I in trouble, are they ok with what I did, I mean they know I'm gay and never had a boyfriend. thoughts came to my head and I was honestly scared about what was going to happen. " Are you guys dating, wait was that your FIRST KISS?!" Paul and Pat asked, " Yes and YES!" I yelled nervously not knowing what to do or say. "Okay, um how long have you guys been dating?" they asked, " We started dating...today." I said, " My god Tord, just wow." They started laughing " Am I in trouble?" I asked. " No, of course not just tell us when your going to his house, on a date, and all, that is all I ask from you" Paul said calmly "Okay then, no problem." I got up and went to my room, I was a bit tired to be honest so I went to sleep.

( Tom's POV )

I got home and went straight to my room, I was shocked by the kiss to be honest, It wasn't bad at all... I really liked it to be honest. I look down, " Shit" I got a boner just from a kiss, I was a little tired so I layed down on the bed and eventually fell asleep.

* sorry this was really short, I will make the next chapter longer I promise*

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