Vacation pt. 2

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( Tord's POV )

We get on the plane and I start to panic because I never been on a plane and my mind starts to freak, I think Tom noticed this because he holded my hand and kept on telling me that he was here for me and that is was going to be okay. Matt and Edd were holding hands and I had Tom's hand so I couldn't be be any happier. I was glad that everything was Okay, Matt and Edd were happy, I was with my lover and We were all going on a trip, I remembered that Tom never told us where we were going, so I asked Matt and Edd if they knew. They said no but they guessed. We asked Tom where we were going. He smirked and said "I'm not telling you all", We all gave him death glares. He laughed and said "Don't worry, you will all love it." We all nodded and then I told Matt and Edd " I can found out where we are going." They gave me a confused look and I looked at a person and asked " Excuse me, Where is this plane heading to?" Matt and Edd realized what I was doing and smiled. The man that I asked said " Well, this plane is going to a airport in New Orleans." I thanked him and looked at the guys, " Tom are we going to New Orleans?" He gave me a look of shock, I smirked and said" this will be fun." Matt and Edd laughed and Tom sat there in shock. ______________________________________

Hello, I'm sorry this was short but I will make another chapter today. I have been working of another story called " Hidden Love".  I will update today, I promised!!

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