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( Tord's POV )

Tom ended up falling asleep, Matt and Edd fell as well. I am still awake, I don't fall asleep very easy, hours later we get off the plane and head to the hotel, it was huge. I hold Tom's hand and he smirks, I am confused on why he smirked. Dirty thoughts come to mind I start blushing really bad 'ha, I wish' I thought to myself. Tom says we were sharing a room and so is Matt and Edd, I blush madly.

( Tom's POV )

I can't wait to get in the room, I was gonna have some fun with my Tordy~
'Shit' I realized that I got a boner, I started blushing madly. Let's see what happens, I mean it's already 10:00 p.m now. We get to the room and Tord lays in the bed. I'm so turned on right now. I go to Tord and start kissing him then I went down to his neck, He starts to moan a little, I then start to unbutton his shirt I then start to kiss and suck until I reach his pants and asked
" May I babe~" He blushed and nodded and I took the pants off and threw them on the other side of the room and then his boxers, I then see his member and damn I got so hard and turned on. I suck hard and he moans, his moans we're music to my ears. I start to undress myself and him. I then...

To be continued..


Hello, I know it sucks this will be my first time writing smut so I'm sorry it sucks, but anybody else crying about how single they fucking feel. I'm not single but still feel lonely af. I will continue this and hopefully get some more ideas about what else will happen in there 'Fun time'. While writing this I felt so damn single, even though I'm not single. Well time to cry in the corner, see ya next time!!

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