Marriage (Short Chapter)

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(Tord's POV)

Matt and Edd were both in tears, I'm glad that there engaged now, I hope they both stay together forever. I honestly think there soulmates, I have always been so interested in soulmates and all. I don't know why though, I remember always wondering if I had a soulmate. I know everyone does, but Maybe I was different. I think I found my soulmate, Tom. I'm happy I'm with him. I hope he is happy with me. I honestly want to propose to him, just like Matt did to Edd just now. Matt said I should do it and Now, I think I will. I hope he says yes.

After Everything, We went back to the hotel. The car ride was mostly Tom and I teasing Edd and Matt. "How many kids will you guys have?",  "Who is top and who is bottom?",  "If you guys are doing it tonight, please, don't get to loud.",  "Use protection!", All of that made Edd turn so red and Matt was laughing his ass off, We come in the room and I'm so tired. "Hey, Tord?"  I hear Tom say. "Yes?" I reply. "Do you want kids, I mean if we ever get married..?" He said looking down. I was shocked "Hm? Yeah, I want both of them." I said, he looked confused. "Both of them?" He asked. "Yeah, I want to have kids and I want to marry you." I said with a smile. I looked at him and he was blushing. I chuckled and gave him a quick kiss. 'I can't wait to propose to you, Thomas'  I think to myself, We both got ready for bed and went to sleep. "Goodnight, My love" I said. "Goodnight"

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