~Tiny glasses~

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~Rebels Point Of View~

"I can," Celeste start but than narrows her gaze, "But I won't."

I'm speechless for a second before the words come blurting out. "But you have to! Please I don't know what else to do- where else to go!" I exclaim feeling panic rise in my chest.

"Hush now, it will all be alright. Come here." Celeste says calmly and pets the suddenly empty spot besides her on the couch.

"Get this girl a drink, her too." Celeste orders a girl at the end of the table. She gets on her feet with a simple nod.

I hesitate but than crawl into the boot and take a seat next to Celeste.

"Can you please break the bond?" I plead

"No, I'm sorry sweetheart." Celeste whispers and cherished my cheek. I can't help but relax in her touch.

"But why not?" I ask.

"You will find out soon enough." Celeste whispers.

The girl returns with two fancy glasses. She hands it to Celeste who in her turn hands it to me.

"Here." Celeste hesitates and holds onto the glass. "You're eighteen right."

I nod.

"Ah fuck it, this is Europe." She dismisses before handing me the glass.

A warm colored liquid fill the bottom of the glass while the rest is filled up with ice. I should know what this is but I don't.

"It looks like ice tea." I mumble and go to smell it. A strong burning scent fills my airways. "Not ice tea." I correct myself and pull up my nose.

"It burns." Grey says after she takes a sip. She squeezes her eyes shut for a second before opening them again. "I like it." She says with a smile.

I sigh before placing the glass to my lips and swinging it back a little too enthusiastic.

I drain the whole glass at once and quickly swallow it.

It burns my throat badly and I quickly take one of the ice cubs.

Everyone stares me in silence.

"Damn girl, you took that like a shot." A guy at the end of the table comments.

I ignore him and turn back to Celeste. "I need you to break the bond, I can't live like this."

Celeste sighs and waves her hand at the people on her other side. They slide out of the boot so Celeste can too.

I follow her as she begins the walk away.

"You don't get it, he will not stop looking for me." I add and struggle to keep up with her pace.

Celeste doesn't bother to respond as she makes her way over to the bar at the back of the third floor.

She hands me a tiny glass before taking her own. She swings it back and orders another one.

After she downs the second glass she hands me another as well.

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