~All but dead~

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~Rebels Point Of View~

After the darkness came a blinding light, one visible even with my eyes closed. I groan and try to shield my face with my hands only to find them unable to move.

I crack my eyes open and that I'm strapped to some sort of hospital bed.

"Welcome back to the land of the living miss Woods." At my bedside I find none other than my high school PE teacher miss Lance. She looks at me with lazy eyes before she turns her attention back to the book in her lap.

Different kinds of machines beep around the room. Creepy instruments, old books and candles cover every surface. There is one small window and a single bright light hanging above my bed.

I clear my throat and speak with a cracked voice. "I knew you were a strange person from the way you taught our PE classes but this crazy doctor shit is next level."

Miss Lance gives a bored sigh. "When Ray put me in your path at the school they were only looking for a PE teacher, I've never been a fan either."

"What does Ray have to do with this?Where are we?" I ask as I begin to pull against the restrains keeping me in the bed. My efforts are as weak as I feel.

"Is she awake?" Another familiar voice asks with much excitement. Styles comes bursting through the door.

"Styles? Is Joey here? Is he with Grey?" My words fall on deaf ears.

"Ah great, up and talking." He hums and turns his attention towards Miss Lance. "I really thought she died the moment we fished her out of the water."

"It was a close call." She nods. "I set her bones and stitched her up. The healing spells fixed any internal injuries."

"Fished me out of the water?" I question just as I start to remember glimpses of what happened. Ray on the cliff, Adam who brought me there and my fall. The way my body broke against the waves and the rocks.

"Yes, after you recklessly slipped over the edge of the mighty high cliff." Styles says with too much excitement.

"Styles, please go tell the others she's awake." Miss Lance asks the boy. He gives me a crooked smile before disappearing out of the door.

Miss Lance raises one hand and with a flick of her wrist unties the straps holding me back.

I rub my arms over the spots where the straps left red marks. "You're a witch?" I ask even though the fact is now plain as day.

"Of sorts." Miss Lance says as she gets up. "But not like those nieces of yours or your friends in Spain."

She stands next to my bed and takes my hand in hers. "My work is a little more specific." Before I can blink she cuts my palm. She places a white cloth over the wound and presses it tightly.

Crimson colors the fabric until it's fully saturated. Miss Lance snatches it back and let's go of my hand. She looks me over with a bored expression before her eyes catch on my neck.

She yanks my mother neckless so hard that it breaks. "You won't be needing that extra protection anymore." She states and walks away. "The curse I placed on it has done its job well, there's no need for nightmare now that you're already here." Is all she says before leaving me alone in the room.

My mind is trying to catch up the facts but is terrible failing to do so.

Miss Lance is a witch. She and Styles have brought me here. But where is here?

Ray is connected to this. Adam as well. I remember him telling me that the beaches were outside pack territory and he was with Ray when I fell. But where are they now?

This all makes my head hurt even worse than the bright light. The only thing that is abundantly clear is that I need to get out of here. I all but fall out of the bed and stumble towards the small and only window in the room.

This might be my only escape if I want to avoid whatever is behind that door. I let out a sigh of relief when the glass pannel slides open. It's a tight fit but I manage to squeeze through.

I fall butt first in a garden. The place looks unkept and almost abandoned. With fallen trees, overgrown benches and broken statues. So many statues. But beyond the greenery I see a glimpse of my escape, the glistening of water.

My knees are weak and my legs shaky but the scent of the sea gets more prominent with each step. Once I'm under the waves no one can follow me and I'll have time to come up with a proper plan.

If only I was a little faster.

A hand pushes me to the ground with little effort. My knees dig into the mud and I fight for the strength the get up.

A tall figure squats down in front of me. I look up into those poisonous green eyes that haunt my dreams.

"Hello Arabella." Ray smiles at me and lift my chin. "It's good to see that you have taken a moment for some fresh air. You must've really needed it after that whole ordeal."

He must have read the confusion of my face. "You don't look as broken anymore. No more break in your collarbone," his fingers trace over the bone. He takes my hands and helps me of the ground. Then he places his fingers along my spine. "And a fracture in your back is healed. Your eyes were so lifelessly dull"

"And that beautiful tail was red with blood." His eyes lose their green color until they're entirely crimson. They look just like Grey's when her anger gets the best of her, when her vampire heritage takes hold.

"You have Miss Lance to thank for your miraculous recovery. Blood witches are a rare thing with powers beyond our imagination."

"Bringing a siren back to life and making a werewolf a whole new creature entirely." When he smiles two fangs appear among his teeth. He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me closer. Then he bites down.

~Rays Point Of View~

"Damn it Ray, I did not patch her up just for you to suck her dry." Ava Lance complains as I carry the unconscious back to her room.

"I only took a little, she must have been weak already. Her heartbeat was slow already." I lay Arabella's lifeless body on the bed. A little was all I needed to feel the effects of her blood, the power still runs through my veins.

Lance starts hooking her put to some kind of machine and puts an odd smelling paste on the puncture wounds on her neck. "What did you expect, the girl all but died."

"Well you have a knack for bringing dead girls back to life." I comment with an accusing undertone.

"They do look so much alike." Ava mumbles. She pushes a piece of hair out of Arabella's face and I see all the reminders of her sister. From their golden blond hair, to the freckles and their identical lips.

"She is our second chance Ava, don't let history repeat itself." She nods absentmindedly.

"I'll put her to sleep for now, give her a nice dream for once. That would be good for her heart rate." She check a couple of lasts things before making herself scarce.

This girl is going to be the key to finally getting everything I have ever wanted.

Well that took me long enough😑

But I did it!🎉
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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