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~Rebels Point Of View~

Car lights flash by as we drive through the city.

It was just after sunset when we left. We went to a drive through for dinner and now it's close to midnight.

I'm exhausted but I know that I won't be able to sleep after everything Ryder told me.

I look away from the window and take subtle glimpse at the man next to me.

His deep brown eyes meet mine in an instant, as if he could feel my gaze.

I look away quickly. My heart is beating loudly.

I know his story now but it doesn't change. The memory stays the same.

I can see him with that handgun raised. I can hear his distant shouts. I can feel the vibration of the air when he fires the first, second and third shot.

"We're here." I startle at the sound of his voice.

I don't look at him when I exit the car.

"I'll walk you in." Ryder offers and gets out of the driver seat.

"No!" I exclaim. "I mean, I can manage it." I say with a forced smile.

To be honest, I don't know when I feel safer, with him by my side or alone...

I just need time to think.

"It's just to make sure you get there safely." Ryder says and locks the car.

"I'll be fine." I huff and cross the street to the old apartment complex.

Ryder follows me into the building and up the four stairs before we reach the door to Faiths apartment.

"Goodnight, Arabella." Ryder says as I walk through the door. I whisper a goodnight before firmly locking the door.

The apartment is cold and silent. I grab my phone and look at the time, 2:14. How did the time pass so quickly?

I should probably go to bed.

I walk into the room I have been staying in and throw my bag on the bed. I change out of my grass stained dress and put on my pajama shirt and shorts.

I sit down on the edge of the bed before getting up again.

I need to talk to Grey, she can help me sort out my thoughts.

I tiptoe across the living room and knock on Greys door.

She doesn't answer so I creak the door open just a little.

I see Grey and Joey both peacefully asleep, well in how far you can call it peaceful. Grey has almost the whole bed covered with her arms and legs and her head on the wrong side, Joey lays on the edge of the bed with one of greys legs almost kicking him off.

I smile at the sight.

They're so good together.

I'm going to stay out of Greys way with my problems from now on. I don't want to get between her and Joey, again.

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