~Clean socks~

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~Rebels Point Of View~

Its the middle of the night by the time we reach the dark river pack.

The forest around us is completely dark apart from a couple light points. I make out distant houses and small street lights.

"You can stay here for tonight, we'll look into a more permanent place tomorrow." Ryder whispers as he leads me to a cottage like house. The exterior is made out of dark almost black wood. Details like the step of stairs, the door and the patio are a lighter wood.

Joey and Grey bid their goodnights and continue walking. Joeys parents were over the moon when he called and told them he was coming home. They couldn't wait until the morning to see they're son and his mate so they planned a midnight visit.

Ryder opens the door to the house. He flicks on the light in the hallway. "Welcome to my house," Ryder says.

"I'll give you the grant tour tomorrow," he promises when he meets my tired eyes. Ryder shows me where to leave my boots before leading me up the stair. I follow him trough a small hallway with only about five doors and stop in front of the last one.

Ryder looks nervously at the door and then back to me. "This is your room, if you want it to be anyway, it was a guest room, it can be yours if you want to, no pressure. My grandmother has room for you too or you could stay in the pack house, but I already told you that. If you don't like the room you can change it or pick another, not that this house has many rooms but I don't mind you taking mine," He rambles.

His eyes widen when he releases what he said, "Not like that!" He exclaims. "Not together I mean! We can share I won't mind but- you know what, never mind." He open the door for me and waits outside as I look around.

The room is small, with a queen sized bed taking up most of the space. It looks like the best thing in the world right now but a well timed shiver makes me aware of my thin wrinkled dress. It's much colder here in comparison to Madrid. I should probably change.

"Can I borrow some warmer clothes? Grey took our suitcase with her." I ask

"Right, of course," Ryder mumbles as he sees me shiver and runs into his room. The room is bigger than mine, but not by much. His unmade bed stands in the middle of the space with two night stands at the side

"Here take this," Ryder says handing me a long sleeved shirt and a black pair of sweatpants.

I thank him before closing the door behind me. There's a soft knock at the door once I am changed. I open it to find Ryder holding a pair of white socks.

"Don't worry, they're washed," he whispers with a smile.

"Reassuring." I take them from him and pull them on.

"Looks good on you, the shirt I mean," Ryder commends gesturing at my appearance in a teasing way.

"At least I have the muscles to fill it," I say with all seriousness and strike a pose. Even the warm clothes can't protect me from the bone deep cold that I feel.

"Sure you do," Ryder laughs but then looks concerned. "Are you warm enough? I could make some tea if you'd like."

"That would be nice."

Ryder leads the way  down the stairs and directs me towards a small couch in the corner of the room.

Ryder gives me a fluffy blanket before running off to the kitchen. He returns with two steaming cups of tea. I thank him and hold the warm cup close, inhaling the fruity scent. We sit in comfortable silence for a while.

"I can't believe that you're here," Ryder mumbles, as if thinking out loud. My heart flutters in both a good and a bad way.

I meet his gaze and say not out of spite, "Don't get too use to it."

His eyes sadden for a second and then he looks away, nodding while he says, "I will try not to."

"I'm not saying that to hurt you-" I start to say.

"It's okay, I would understand if you did." He makes a move to stand up but I grab his arm before he can.

"But I didn't." I say firmly, suddenly more awake than I have been in days. "You have to understand that I am only eighteen years old and I've have done nothing but hide. I have spend my time running away. My life has never just been my own."

"I don't want the mate bond be a right of passage for you or anyone to lay claim on my future. I have never had the time to see what I want to do with my life, I don't even know what I'm passionate about." I ramble on while looking everywhere but Ryders face.

I take a deep breath and all but whisper the last part of my speech, "And I would like to ask for time, and space to figure that out."

He lifts my chin until I look at him. To my surprise I see a smile on his face. "That should not even have to be a question." He says as he tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear. My skin tingels on the path his fingers make.

"I understand how my position put an automatic stempel on your future, but that's not how it has to be. I want you to be happy and have a life of your own, even though I would like to be part of it."

"For now your safety is my first property, but this threat will pass. If you need space then I will be here if you choose to return, alright?"

The fear that has clouded my head for ages makes way for a new dangerous feeling. Hope. For a better life and a somewhat normal one at that "Alright." I say breathlessly.

"Alright." He whispers. He takes our cups and places them on the coffee table. When I look at him now I see not the blood on his hands but the way he held mine when I was scared on the plane. I see the boy who scared away my nightmares and makes me dream of a future.

As he sits back down I do one of the most reckless things I have ever done, (not counting my habit of cliff jumping).

I surge forward and fling my arms around Ryder, tackling him to the couch. I hug him so tightly that our heartbeats feel as one. His arms soon close around me and he buries his face in my neck.

I dare to untangle myself a little so I can look down at him as I ended up laying on top. We're so close that I can feel his breath against my lips.

In the end he is the one that closes the distance. His lips feel so soft against mine. His kiss is so gentle while I struggle to figure out what to do. His arms are so warm as he pushes us up into a siting position.

In the end I'm the one who messes it up. I miss time my movement and end up bumping my head against his.

"Ow-" I laugh and pull away.

Ryders laugh gives me even more butterflies that I already had. He traces his finger over the spot on my forehead where I collided with his.

"You're very warm." He says.

"You're the one who gave me the warm clothes and the blanket." I laugh.

"Fair. But no I mean you feel feverish." He says with a serious expression.

I think back to the last time I've been in salt water, and realize it's been too long. "I'll need to swim tomorrow."

"I know the perfect cliff for you nearby." Ryder teases.

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