Chapter 1 - Page 8

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        Red got the barricade up as the other two got the campfire ready. Cami looked at Rucky, worried about his psychological health. Leon looked at Cami, "Focus on the fire, Cami. You'll burn yourself." He coughed. Cami looked back at Leon, and continued with the firewood. Leon got out a piece of flint, and tinder, and started to flick them together, making sparks. 

Red barricaded the cave that went deeper with dirt, rocks, and various other things. He made sure to put the rocks inside the dirt, to create a makeshift wall. Red looked back at Rucky, also worried. Rucky was shaking uncontrollably and rocking in a fetal position. He didn't look stable. Leon flicked and started the fire, as it flickered in the darkness, illuminating the cave. Leon wiped his face from sweat, and walked to Rucky. Both Cami and Red were surprised to see Leon walk up to him, because Leon never really liked Rucky too much. "Rucky." Leon said, as Rucky stops and looks up at him. "Y-yeah, Leon?" Rucky uttered, with what little breath he had. Leon then picked him up off the ground, and sat Rucky down. "Listen, Rucky. I know we aren't really 'good' friends and all, but.." He paused.

"I want you to get out of this alive. The group wouldn't be the same without your smug smile, and laugh. I want you to feel better, and for you to get your composition. Remember what you told us when we met, Rucky?" Leon smiled at Rucky, as he quoted, "My strength...--" 

"Is like a silver sheild." They said in unison, "It's rough, tough, and will never shatter!" Leon and Rucky smiled calmly. "Don't let it shatter, Rucky." Leon put his hand on Rucky's shoulder, to show him that Leon cared. Rucky's smug grin lined his face, as he got up. "Hah! You really think that could break my sheild? You guys are so gullible!" Red and Cami's eyes brightened, as they all came in for a group hug once more. Rucky wriggled out of the hug, and said, "Quit it with the mushy stuff guys! We need to set up the blankets, and rest for a bit." Leon pushed up his glasses, and smiled "Agreed." The other two nodded as they went and got the rest of the blankets for them, and Leon. 

Red handed Leon his blanket. Cami laid down, smiled, and said "I'm glad you're all okay." She paused as she looked at her palm. "I can't believe we survived that, to be honest." The grey in her eyes stood out as she looked in the direction of the fire. "A rag-tag team of kids, just looking for an exciting day." she continued, "It's like a moth to a flame." None of the boys really understood what she was really getting at. They stared at her, as she sat up, and said, "Oh c'mon, boys! That was a philosophical moment!"

Rucky looked at her straight in the face and said, "I don't even know what "Philco-soapy-cal' means..." They paused for a moment, and then burst out laughing the next. "What?" Rucky asked, as they laughed even harder. "If it weren't for the blood on my clothes, I'd say we're right at home!" Leon added. The tone got a bit darker, but they continued laughing. "Alright guys, don't worry, I built the barricade pretty sturdy, so I don't think anything will come after us while we sleep." Red exclaimed. They agreed with their individual smiles, as they laid down with their blankets, and slept by the crackling fire.

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