Chapter 2 - Page 3

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        "An old woman used to tell us the tales of our village, and the world itself when I was ten. She always talked about how the foundation of our little world came to be. It was a Monarchy, as we were ruled by a king and a queen. The king and queen ruled over the world for many generations, however, the king and queen started to grow corrupt. The power and greed got to them, and it was time for them to be stopped. A revolution broke out, and the king and queen were overthrown."

"However, the towns under the new government's rule did not prosper. Many towns grew poor, and the government collapsed. The once green pastures were now dried up grass, and dirt. Our little town was very far from the government that once ruled, and was not affected by the anarchy that entailed. However, we were affected by the increased monster population, and some of our own were eaten by the Wolf-like 'Wolvens', including my parents."

The Elders looked at Red as he said, "The second part I learned from the refugees that took care of me. They told me the truth also at ten." Red then bowed to show respect. "What a story, boy. 'Red', is it?" The Third Elder said. Red looked up at the Elder, with stern eyes. "Yes, sir. That's what happened to poor Terratopa, from what I've heard around." The second elder laughs, "Well, Red. You sure are smart. Heck, I couldn't even remember that much in my younger years!" The Elders share a laugh, along with Red's smile.

"Alright, you have proven your smarts, power, and most importantly, your intentions. You are fit to be 'The Ambassador of Terratopa." The First Elder exclaimed, while the Second added, "Yes, Red One. This title shall give you a tiny boost in this multiverse." The Third chimed in right after the Second, "Since we're on the topic, here, Red." The Third Elder tossed a little drawstring sack of gold into Red's hands. "Another boost for you. Take this money, and be sure to buy some proper clothing." The Third gave a fatherly look at Red. "And Red, make sure to buy some food as well. You're a growing boy."

"Young miss Tara here, will guide you through town, and fill out the paperwork needed to give you your title, and a patch to signify your status in this community." The First looked at Tara, as she stood up from bowing and jokingly retorted, "Oh great, paperwork. Thanks, Elders." They all laughed besides Tara. The second adjusted his hat once more, and said, "Alright. Tara, Red. You two can head off into town now. And Tara?" He looked at her, with a wrinkled smile, "We'll discuss paperwork when you get back."

Tara nodded, as they both waved goodbye to the Three Elders. As soon as they got out to the town square, Red asked Tara, "Ma'am, are they always so cool and goofy?" Tara smiled, as she looked around, then back at Red and answered, "No, actually. They seem to be very fond of you, being from Terratopa and all." Red looked at Tara, and simply said, "Ah, okay." getting what she meant from her words alone.

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