Chapter 1 - Page 9

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        A warm, lit cave. Cami woke up first, as she smiled a bit, but that smile then turned into a straight face. She was still in this cave, with danger in every corner, and something she feared more than impending death. The loss of her dearest friends. 

Cami then got up and started to wake up the boys one by one. "Leon, get up. It's...morning, I think." Leon rubbed his eyes, as he put on his glasses, and looked at Cami. "Oh, hey Cami." He said with a groggy voice. Cami walked to the others and tugged their blankets off. Red and Rucky both curled up in a ball, as they groaned. "Morning already...?" Rucky said, as he wiped the sleep out of his eyes. Red turned to him, still half-asleep, "It's technically not morning, since we're in a cave."

Leon snapped infront of Red's face, waking him up. "Rise and shine, Rucky, Red." Cami whispered. "That's too many R's this early." Red grumbled as he sat up, and yawned. Rucky got up in the same fashion, as he said "Rucky ranted at Red for ran-sacking the room at Ruben's house!" Red raised his voice, "Argh! Too many R's this morning!" The group of kids laughed, as if they were innocent of heart. Red stood up, and the others followed. "Alright, guys," He rubbed his hands together. "Let's go deeper in the cave." The joy on the faces of the group turned into a scowl, as they nodded.

"We need to form a plan." Leon said sternly. "We'll have attackers in front, and support in back." Leon looks at Rucky. "Red, Rucky, you be the attackers. Me and Cami will cover the back." Rucky agreed, as he grabbed the weapons for everyone. They got the weapons as Red broke the barricade protecting them, and continued their descent. As Leon lit the torch, it illuminated the path. The dirt was turning a deeper and deeper color as they went down further. Moss appeared on the walls and patches of grass on the floor.  

"Wherever we're going, it seems to be getting a bit...greener." Red observed, as he looked at the walls. The tunnel brung them to a room even bigger than the last, with the walls and floor lined in cobblestone brick. A single, red slime was in the room, lighting up the dark brick room with it's red glow. The battle hardened children were at a stand still, looking at the red slime. "Red, what do we do?" Cami whispered. "It doesn't look like much of a danger." Red answered, "You're right, but it might be extremely dangerous by the looks of this secluded dungeon area." 

"Rucky, Red, show this damn slime what for. I see something behind it, but I can't tell what, it's not lit up enough." Rucky nodded, as he charged in once again. Red ran behind him, grasping his axe. Rucky yelled, and then tripped right in front of the slime. The slime engulfed Rucky with its red gooey body, growing bigger to encase him in a prison of watery slime. Red stopped running, as he looked at the horror. Cami yelled, "RUCKY, NO!" Leon stopped Cami, as she would share the same fate if she continued on. Red backed up as he saw Rucky, in the slime, gasping for air.

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