Chapter 1 - Page 4

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        Leon and Cami walked in, each holding a bag. "Oh, you guys brung things too?" Red asked, feeling a little selfish for practicing with his axe. Leon pushed up his glasses, and nodded, "Mhm, we brought things for when we go into the cave."

Cami smiled sweetly, "Yeah. I brung some food in case we get hungry while in the cave. Gods know how long we'll be in there, let alone how far the cave goes." Red asked, "What kind of food, Cami?" as he looked at her with joy. Cami smiles once again, and opened the bag. "Lots! I got some breads, some fish we can cook, some milk, and rice!" Cami closed the bag, as Leon lifted up his bag, "I brung the essentials. I got some chalk to mark where we've been, some crude torches to light the way, some rope, and firewood, so we can cook that fish Cami brought." Leon smiled brightly, as he put the bag he was holding down. 

Rucky chimed in, "Okay, now that we have that done, let's talk about what you guys think we'll find in there!" He smiled, with a smug look on his face."I think we'll find a wonderful tresure trove and get our ticket out of this dirty town!"

"I think we'll find some interesting fossils and things about the origin of this town." Said Leon, while taking his glasses of and cleaning them. The gang sat down, as Cami explained, "I think we'll find a secret civilization, filled with many wonders and exciting adventures!" Using many and gestures, she continued, "And they'll have a king, and have to save his daughter, and--" Rucky interrupted, smiling, "Alright Cami, we get it." Cami giggled and said "Sorry, I get carried away sometimes." the rest of the gang laughed with her, as they laid down and got ready to sleep.

Cami said, while they were getting the thin blankets, "Oh, that's right!" Her memory hit her.  "Red, what do you think will be in that cave?" Rucky and Leon both looked at Red, as he answered, "Eh, I don't think much will be down there. Maybe a chest with a bit of money to buy us some new blankets." Rucky laughed, and responded, "Oh c'mon Red, have a little more faith in this cave. No one else has found this cave before us, so maybe there's something wonderful down there." Red sighed, "Yeah. Maybe." as Cami handed everyone their blankets. "Well, well, well, boys. Looks like we have a sad sack!" Cami joked, as she got up made a funny face. The other boys laughed, as it put a gentle smile on Red's face. "There we go, Red, a smile!"

"Alright, you got me." Red admitted. "I'll be a bit more optimistic tomorrow." The little gang of Red, Rucky, Cami, and Leon all head to bed, awaiting what adventures await them tomorrow noon.

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