Chapter 2 - Page 2

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        The woman giggled, as she said, "Yes, it is." She went on. "Terratopa's connection with the Crimson Bed's have been very distant. I heard they havent found one in several decades since you got here." 

"You're right! I was hearing one of my village elders talking about that!" Red said, as the woman nodded. "Since you're the first to come here from Terratopa in ages, you'll have to speak with the Crimson Council to dicuss what's been going on there, and why they haven't found a bed in so long." The woman paused. "Speaking of age, how old are you, Red?" He looked at her with an honest face, and simply said. "Thirteen." The woman looked back, with worry. "Oh dear."

They were now in a gigantic hall, with three old men known as the Elders, sitting at their thrones. "This boy is only thirteen and accessed the Crimson Bed?!" One of the Elders spoke, his nose flaring above his long white beard. "It is forbidden for any child under fifteen to enter one, and that's the rules!" Another one of the Elders calmed this first down as he said "Now, now, Farthus.This child is a child of Terratopa, as I've heard from Tara over there."

The woman from the desk, now known as Tara said, "Yes, High Ones. This boy known as Red is from Terratopa, the world we lost contact with for several decades." The third Elder adjusted his hat, as he calmly added, "Yes, Tara. I have the sign-in sheet right here. It also says his last name is "Prefered not to answer." He looks at the other Elders as he said, "Is that is actual last name or?" The Elders laugh in a funny joke, as Tara answered, "No sir, he doesn't know his last name." 

"It was a joke, Tara, lighten up. We may be Elders, but it doesn't mean we aren't people too." They smiled as they continued onto business. "No last name, right?" The third Elder got up from his Throne, went up to Red as Tara bowed in respect. The Elder got on a knee to speak to Red eye level and asked, "Why don't you know your last name, Child?" Red's face grew bitter, as he said, "...My parents got eaten by wolf-type animals when I was four. The refugees of my town took care of me until now." The Elders looked at each other, as Tara looked up at them. "I see. I am sorry to hear, son."

The third Elder went back up to his Throne, as they went on. The First Elder spoke, now calmed down, "Child, I know it is forbidden for children your age to 'Dream Hop', as the universes mutually call it, But..." He stroked his beard. "You do seem to be the first in a long while from Terratopa. Perhaps we can make an acception." The second Elder added, "Yes, we just need to know what has been going on in the past years of Terratopa, if you have the knowledge of such." 

"Yes, I do believe if you can tell us, we can deem you as 'The Ambassador of Terratopa'. Terratopa was one of our greatest allies, and thus you shall be The Ambassador. Tell me child, what has gone on with Terratopa in these past 400 years?"

Red looked at the Elders, and walked up to their desk, to explain in detail. "Well, I don't know too much, but here's what I do know." 

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