Chapter One

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Connecting to Y/n Model...
Connection Successful
Implanting Serial Number...
Implant Successful
Story Connection Required
Entering Connection Data...
Connection Received
Reboot Successful
Receiving Data...
Entering Coding...
Downloading Previous Predecessor Memory
Transferring Information...
Information Transfer Successful

August 15th, 2038
PM 01:13:39

"Hank!!" I shout into the drunken man's ear.

"Wha' the fu—?" He shoots up, about to glare at me.

"Oh. It's jus' you Y/n..." he says.

"Get up. We need to get to another case!" I urge him up.

He groans as I drag him off the bar stool.

"Waz' it on this time?" He asks.

"Another Android has been converted to deviancy." I explain.

"She appears to have killed her master." I say.

"Ok... why am I needed on this?" He asks.

"You're case is on homicides, Hank. Just follow me." I climb into the car, driving Hank to the murder scene.

We walk over to the front of the designated home, entering the cop infested building.

"God, I must be the only cop that has to deal with deviant issues twice in one day.." Hank mutters as we enter the house, looking around the crime scene.

I glance around at the clues surrounding me, not paying attention to Hank's complaint. I do a scan of the building. Several significant clues to find.

I stroll into the bathroom, stunned by the sight before me. RA9 is scrawled all over the wall. Underneath it writes, I AM ALIVE in neat handwriting. An android's writing. I walk out of the bathroom.

I approach the kitchen table. I notice traces of blue blood, or Thirium 310. I discreetly take a small sample and rub it between my fingers lightly before taking a scan on it. Unlike other Agent Androids, I don't need to sample the blood in my mouth before scanning.

Luckily, Addison, my creator, had taken the fact that I should be seen as human pretty seriously. I act and look like a human. No one suspects my real species. As far as everyone is concerned, I am human.

The Thirium belongs to an AX200 Android, Jamie, the name given by the master. It is just over 3 days old. I look over at the corpse laying on the couch. I walk over to the man, scanning him.

Name- Shepard, John
Cause of death- blood loss// 21 stab wounds
Date of birth- 05-15-2004
Date of death- 08/12/2038
Criminal Record- None

He appears to have been attacked with a heavy object, most likely a baseball bat, considering the deep concave shaped dent in his skull. I decide to reconstruct the moment. I look over his constructed shoulder as he holds some kind of object.

I look at the Android, who looks over John's shoulder. The Android seems taken aback as it backs away from him. It grabs the nearest object for defense: a baseball bat. He backs away as the Android advances.

The Android swings the bat, hitting the temple of John. John stumbles backwards, avoiding another swing from the Android. The impact of the miss sent the bat out of Jamie's hands, so it gave up on the bat and went straight for John. He ran to the kitchen before the replay ends. I stare where the object had gone.

Android: Become Deviant (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now