Chapter Nine

490 16 3

November 9th, 2038
AM 02:17:39

I knock several times with my right hand, my left hand gripping my side in an attempt to numb the pain. I tried turning off my pain receptors, but I think they may be damaged from when the android shoved me backwards. The door opens, revealing a nervous Addison.

"Y/n!! It's the middle of the night! What happened!?" She asks urgently.

"Long story..." I rub my neck with my right hand.


After I explain what had happened on the roof, she asks about Connor and Hank.

"Connor was traumatized... he.. felt what the Android did as it shot itself.." I say.

"Interesting..." she says.

She reaches behind my ear but I stop her.

"I think my receptors are damaged. The android shoved me backwards and I fell hard." I say.

"Oh.. that makes things more complicated..." she mumbles.

Whilst healing my wounds as carefully as possible, she chats about Sally.

"I think she's taking after me.. she keeps watching as I do experiments. I think she'll be even more successful than me.." she smiles.

"That's great! How is she?" I ask.

"Good, she's been acting less shy now, it's great."

"That's awesome." I grin.

"So Connor has been experiencing slight emotion... but he's not deviant?" She asks me.

"No. He said he self scans regularly." I say.

"What about you?" She asks, her eyes searching mine.

"Nope. Just the usual artificial emotion." I say blankly.

"It really is a shame you can't experience "actual" feeling.. unless you deviate..." she says, staring at the wall behind me.

"Yeah..." I say.

"But I can't deviate. It would not be wise. I need to hunt deviants with Connor. We aren't deviant. We can't be. We have to remain machines, otherwise who knows what CyberLife would do?" I point out.

"Mm." She hums, sealing the last wound on my hand.

"If we were to deviate.. it would be like failing our mission... it would not be good... everything would go wrong... CyberLife would destroy us." I insist.

"Yeah. Whatever..." she says.

I am perplexed at her tone but shrug it off. She fixes up the receptor behind my ear before looking me in the eye.

"Meet up with Jack. I just installed him. He will help you out." She says.

"The man in my mind scape?" I guess.

She nods. "Well, it'd be best if you did it now."

She walks into the other room as I close my eyes. Everything around me shifts into a zen  garden. A man in a suit greets me.

"Hello, Y/n. It's a pleasure to finally see you.." he says calmly.

"Yeah..." I say unsurely.

"How is your progress?" He asks.

"We are capturing deviants well. We came across a few... issues though.." I say.

"Issues?" He asks, glancing up from the koi fish he was feeding.

Android: Become Deviant (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now