Chapter Five

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November 6th, 2038
PM 07:51:38

I walk to Hank's house, the only light in the inky night time being the street lights, billboards, and moonshine. Connor said he would meet up with me at Hank's and we would then go over what we know. To add on, he said we had another case to deal with.

I reached the front door, knocking a few times. There was no response, but the lights on the inside were on. I walked around to the back of the house, glancing in the window. I pale as I stop moving.

Hank is laying on the floor, unconscious. I run to the back of the house, noticing Connor approach.

"Officer Y/n, what's happening?" He tilts his head.

"Hank is passed out!!" I try the back door.

Locked. I take a breath before backing up and slamming my foot into the door. It crashes to the floor, I don't spare a second before rushing inside, Connor behind me. Sumo rushes over to us, barking happily, though he doesn't seem too dazed about Hank.

"One second, Sumo!" I whisper shout. "Hank!" I call, kneeling down beside him. Sumo retreats to his bed, giving a small huff.

A bottle of whiskey is in his right hand, a gun in his left. It has only one bullet in it. I back away. He's only unconscious from being drunk... but.. why does he have a gun..? I bend back down to Hank. I slap his cheek lightly.

"Mmm..." Hank groans, his eyes slowly opening.

"Explain." I demand, throwing my arms towards the gun.

He looks over before staring at me. "Oh.. Just Russian roulette." He says nonchalantly.

"Lieutenant, That is a dangerous game to play. You have a one out of six chance of dying." Connor says, picking up the gun.

"You're lucky, the next bullet would have killed you." Connor states.

Before Hank can say anything, I stop him.

"Let's just get you up. You're slurring your words." Connor helps me grab Hank, who begins to protest greatly. "Get the fuck off of me!!"

"Sumo!! Attack!!" Hank yells.

The Saint Bernard barks in response, barely moving from his dog bed. "Good dog.." Hank murmurs.

Jesus, Hank... We drag Hank to the bathroom.

"Put me the fuck down!!" He groans groggily.

"Sorry, Hank." I say, placing him in the tub. "We're going to sober you up for your own safety."

Before he can open his mouth, I turn the shower on cold.

"Ahh! Turn it off!! Turn it off!!!" He screeches.

I turn it off as he stares at me bewildered.

"Traitor." He mumbles.

"Sorry, Hank, but I had to. You would not be in the best state otherwise."

"Yeah yeah..." he mutters.

"I received another report on a homicide earlier this evening. It's at the Eden Club." Connor says, glancing at us.

"Get outta here! Im not going to any club." Hank says.

Connor pauses. "Yeah.. I understand.. It probably wasn't interesting anyway.. a man found dead in a sex club downtown.." I stare at Connor, holding back a smile. He's teasing him... "Guess they'll have to solve the case without us.."

"Ya know.. it probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air." Hank mumbles.

"Ok, Come on, Hank, go get dressed." I say, rolling my eyes with a smile.

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