Chapter Three

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November 6th, 2038
PM 03:02:18

Connor and I watch as Hank gets out of his car. He begins to cross the street without looking both ways, resulting in him nearly getting bumped by a car.

"Woah! Hey! Hey! Hey!!" He yells, stopping the car.

"I saw you looking at Hank's desk earlier." I say. "Find anything interesting?"

"He has a dog. A Saint Bernard." He says.
"Ah, Sumo. He's adorable." I smile softly.

"I like dogs." Connor says suddenly.

I giggle. "Me too."

"Hank. How' you doing?" The truck owner of Chicken Feed asks.

"Eh, you know, same old shit." Hank replies.

I get out of the car, Connor following me. "Plastic with you?" Gary asks as we cross the street.

"Only temporary." He says.

I roll my eyes as we stand behind Hank. "Hey, Hey, Hey, Hank!" A man I recognize as Pedro calls. "How you doin' man?"

"¡Ese!" They bro hug. "Hey listen, I got a shit-hot tip for you! Number five for the third!" He grins. "Lickety-split!"

"That filly's one hell of a chaser." He says. I raise an eyebrow at Pedro. What is he saying..? "You wanna flutter?" He leans against the truck.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Last shit-hot tip you gave me set me back a week's wage, Pedro..." Hank says.

He's gambling? I stare at my partner. "Come on, this one's different, it's 100% guaranteed. You can't go wrong." He persists.

"Yeah right." Hank says.

I scan Pedro, everything turning into a blue hue.

Aabdar, Pedro
Born 01/25/2005// Unemployed
Criminal Record: Illegal Gambling, Fraud

I stare at the man known as Pedro before scanning the environment.

Detroit Food Hygiene License
License Expired: 05/25/2031
License Refused: 07/24/2031
Rank: C//60

Kayes, Gary
Born 12/03/1988// Business Owner
Criminal Record: Resisting Arrest, Breach of Hygiene Regulations

"Alright, I'm in." Hank relents.

"Damn straight!" Pedro says as Hank hands him money. He begins to walk away, turning around. "Hey! You won't regret this!" He says, turning back.

Hank groans as we approach. "What is your problem?" Hank asks Connor. "Don't you ever do as you're told?"

Connor tilts his head slightly. "Look, you don't have to follow me around like a poodle!"

After a moment of silence, Connor speaks up. "I'm sorry for my behavior back at the police station." Connor apologizes. "I didn't mean to be unpleasant."

"Oh, wow." Hank grins. "You've even got a brown-nosing apology program! Guys at CyberLife thought of everything, huh?"

Gary turns around with a drink and burger. "Here you go." He says. I do a quick scan of what Hank will be eating.

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