Chapter Two

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November 5th, 2038
PM 11:21:04

I sit at the desk a few feet away from Hank, watching him stare at his computer. I slide my chair, which I am currently sitting on, over to Hank's desk.

"What are you up to, Hank?" I ask.

"Nothing." He turns the computer off quickly and looks at me.

"You aren't doing 'nothing', what were you looking at?" I ask.

"It's... nothing.." he says.

"Ok...." I sigh and look around his desk.

"Dark Heavy Metal?" I ask, glancing at his phone.

"Yeah. I enjoy it." He mutters.

"That's fine." I smile.

He nods before frowning. "Hey. The fucking Android is supposed to come back today. How Fan-fucking-tastic, huh?" He mutters.

"Oh.. Connor?" I ask before realizing something. "Wait, you've already worked with him?"

He nods again just as an officer walks over, an RK800 Android in tow.

"Lieutenant Anderson?" He asks.

"Yeah?" Hank looks up.

"The uh.. Android is here..." the officer says.

"Oh. Ok." Hank says blankly.

The officer walks away and the Android replaces his spot in front of Hank's desk.

"Hello, Lieutenant Anderson." The Android greets in a calm voice.

Hank groans slightly, sending me a glance. I shrug and look at the computer in front of me.

"Well, since I am partnered with this girl," he points to me. "Y/n, she works with both of us." Hank says.

"Oh. I was unaware of another partner. My instructions specifically state that I am working with only y—"

"Uh, uh, uh." Hank waves a finger.

"She works with me. Fuck your stupid instructions. Just get the fact through that plastic brain of yours. She is with me." He says irritated.

"Ok..." Connor looks at me, his yellow LED blinking for a second. "Hello Officer L/n. I will be working by your and Lieutenant Hank's side. We will be covering cases and homicides involving deviant androids." He says.

"I know." I keep my voice level.

Connor takes a seat in a desk across from Hank and next to me.

"We got notified of an AX400 with a little girl. Someone reported seeing them downtown. We should start there tomorrow." Connor says.

Hank ignored the android as Connor gets up, walking to Hank. He turns away with a sigh. Connor leans on Hank's desk. "I didn't come here to wait until you feel like working, Lieutenant." He says lowly.

Hank growls and pushes his seat back, grabbing Connor by the collar. He shoves him against the wall. "Listen asshole, if it were up to me, I'd throw a lot of you in the dumpster and set a match to it." He spits.

"Hank." I scold. He releases the poor android as he scoffs and walks off. I approach Connor. "You okay?" I ask.

"I'm a machine, I can't feel." He says blankly.

"Right. I forgot." I mutter.

November 6th, 2038
AM 10:25:07

While Connor questions the Android, Ralph, I confirmed, I look around. I notice something underneath the stairs move. Connor and Ralph look at me. As Connor approaches, Ralph grabs Connor.

"Quick!! Kara!! Run!!" He shouts.

An android and a little girl dash past us and out the door.

Connor wastes no time sprinting after the girls.

"Sorry!!" I say to Ralph as I run after my partner.

Something is telling me that I should stop Connor. The Android is only protecting the little girl! I am faster than the male android as I pass him. I grip the fence, watching the girl and android stare at me from the other side. If I had an LED, it would be red.

My thoughts are suddenly trained on the girl and Android. She is deviant. I must get her. At all costs. Connor rushes over to me, Hank and Chris in tow. Chris aims his gun at the two.

"Don't shoot! We need it alive!" Connor shouts, about to climb the fence.

Hank grabs his shoulder.

"You will get yourself killed!" Hank says.

Connor stops but I quickly hop over the fence despite Hank's protests and curses. I slide down to the busy freeway. I hop over the curb, ignoring the holographic warning. I dash towards the deviant and the girl, dodging cars along the way. I freeze as a car nearly smacks into me.

After the car passes, I dash back to the android. I grip the android's shoulder but she throws my hand off, shoving me back. I miss a car by inches as the duo make it to the other side. Another car barley clips my shoulder as I manage to cross the road, still chasing after the two. I watch with disbelief as they run away.

Android: Become Deviant (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now