Chapter Seven

467 21 0

November 7th, 2038
AM 06:38:03

"I received a notification from CyberLife. A homicide involving an android and a woman was sighted 23 minutes ago. The daughter was also kidnapped." Connor says.

"Let's get a move on then." I say, dragging Hank off the couch, much to his dismay.

We drive to the alerted place, reporters and bystanders surrounding the house. Police officers are struggling to hold the crowd back. We enter the house, earning protests from the audience. I look at a photo on the wall.

A man and woman are both holding the female's stomach. Her belly is bigger than her form, concluding pregnancy. An Android is playfully resting her head on their shoulder. A little girl, Sophie, is in between her parents, smiling a wide grin.

I glance over at the bodies. The two are holding hands, an act of reassurance. I scan the two females.

Dianne Willis
28 years old
3 stab wounds in the stomach and abdominal area
Was pregnant
Female in photo

Android AL600
Android in photo
Pump regulator seems to be out of place

I look around, seeing the scrap of metal mangled and coated in Thirium.

"Dianne was pregnant..." Connor notes.

"Seems that way from the photo on the wall. Plus there are stab wounds in the stomach straight into the womb. But... how is it so precise.. could an android have done it?" I ask.

"Can't be. Their aren't any signs of an android being here other than the dead girl right there." Hank argues.

"There doesn't seem to be any fingerprints or signs of human interaction either." Connor retorts.

"The human could have removed all evidence, the police were notified 23 minutes ago." I insist.

"That's true.. maybe the murderer was a past lover?" Hank inquires.

"That makes sense.. look at her ring finger, she was married before she was—"

"Wait sir, don't go in—"

"Dianne!!!" A man shrieks.

"Damn It!! Why did you ever date him?!" He cries.

I deem him as Justin Willis. The husband and man in the photo.

"I-I—" I grasp his arm.

"Justin. Give me all the information you have." I say calmly.

He wipes his face. "It w-was my wife's e-ex boyfriend from y-years back... His name was
J-Jason... he was Sophie's father.. he was a professional doctor until... Dianne left him, taking his six year old daughter, S-Sophie with her.. he went insane.. it had to be him.. h-he stalked her o-on social media and I-I swear I saw him when Dianne and I were o-on o-our f-first date." He says blinking, causing tears to fall down his cheeks.

"Whoever this Jason guy is, we will detain him. I promise." I smile softly at the man.

"Th-thank you, just... justify my wife and our daughter....Please.. find Sophie!!" he cries as two officers pull him away. I note that he didn't mention his android.

I hear a small commotion below me.

"Did you guys hear something?" I ask.

"Huh?" Hank asks.

Connor is in the other room. "Nothing." I say.

I walk towards the stairs leading to the basement, where the sound must have sourced. I walk as lightly as possible, peeking around the corner. A man in a black hoodie is dumping gasoline onto the floor, a lighter and gun in his right hand, a struggling girl in his other. How the hell did nobody see this yet..? I pull my gun out, aiming it at his head.

Android: Become Deviant (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now