Chapter Four

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November 6th, 2038
PM 05:17:17

Connor and I drive over to Jimmy's Bar, Hank's favorite place to get drunken. The door says No Androids, but I shove the door open, Connor following.

"Oh look. It's the fucking plastic police officer." A voice calls.

I ignore other slurs as I lead Connor to Hank. He is wasted, his head face down on the table.

"Hey, Hank... Uh.. you should get up." I poke his shoulder.

"Fuck off, Y/n." He groans.

"But we—"

"Hey, tin can. I think we should escort.. you out." A drunken interrupts my incision.

"That would be unwise, as we are here for Lieute-"

"Shut it." The man hisses.

I take my hand away from Hank and walk over to Connor and the Drunkie. I scan him quickly.

Gabe Perez
Born- 05/23/2001
Criminal records- selling Red Ice, resistance towards officer

I get in between my partner and the man.

"Excuse me, but you are not to touch Connor. He is a proto—"

"Oh? What's this? We got the Po-pos here as well? Not to mention a female?" He says in a growl, looking at my badge.

"Yes. Now, back off. I don't want to use force." I say calmly.

He shoves me backwards, standing over me. I lean against the bar counter, smelling the rank odor of alcohol in his breath. I dodge him as he swings a fist at me.

"Hey! Don't fight in here! Take it outside!!" The bartender yells.

"I apologize, we will not be fighting." I glare at Gabe.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." He says, retreating to his table, making sour comments along the way.

"You ok Connor?" I ask.

"You act as if I can feel pain. Otherwise, I am not damaged." Connor says.

"Well— Yeah.. ok." I say, walking back to Hank.

"C'mon Hank, lets get back to the station." I say.

"I said fuck off." Hank grumbles.

"Get uuuup." I pull his arm.

He barely moves. I groan.

"Jimmy!" I shout, gaining the bartender's attention.

"Can I have what he has?" The bartender nods, sliding a drink over. "Aren't you underage?" Hank asks.

"I'm flattered." I say bluntly. I hold out it for Hank. "For the road?" I suggest.

He lifts his head. "You said the station?" He asks, suddenly sober.

"Yeah.." I confirm, a small laugh escaping my lips.

We walk back to my car and drive back to the police station. I enter the building, running a hand over my arm. My hands are still bandaged, I need to get them fixed up.. Maybe I should pay a visit to Addison.

"Uhm.. Hank?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"I'm gonna go pay a visit to a friend." I say.


I walk out of the station and into my car. I drive to Addison's house. She can help me out. She's the one of the few who know that I'm an Android. I knock three times.

"Who is it?" She asks.

"Model RK850."

"Oh! Y/n! Come in!" She calls in a carefree voice.

I enter the cozy house, waving to Addison.

"Hello, Addison!! How are you? It's been a while!" I smile.

"Ahh yes... too long in fact." She smiles, stroking her blond braid.

"You don't look any different. Stunning as usual, you don't look a day over 20, like you haven't aged at all in the past year." I say with a grin.

"Hmm. I didn't add flattery to your programming, did I?" She asks with a sly grin.

"Yes you did. You added many human traits to my persona, for more appropriate situations." I say.

"Ahh yes, I did, didn't I? I keep forgetting, you are just so... human like.." she says, looking into my E/c eyes.

"That is the point, Adi." I say.

"Yes... I guess it is.." she says, looking past me.

"So, I'll assume you need help?" She asks, glancing at my hands. I give her a brief nod.

She holds her own hands out, waiting. I place my wrapped fingers onto hers. "How did this happen?" She asks.

I explain about the deviant Android, or as his Fake License said, Rupert Travis. She simply nods, her warm blue eyes hiding something. The emotion is gone before I can process what it was.

"Ahh.. I am sorry you had to feel that.. Anyways, let's get them fixed up, shall we?" She smiles, pulling on her glasses.

She pulls up her tablet, displaying a hologram. She grabs something from underneath her desk. Thirium, I realize. I watch as she removes my bandages and grabs a poker from the fire. She reaches behind my ear, turning off my pain receptors.

She then proceeds to seal the cuts. She hands me the pouch of blue liquid for me to drink. I drink the sloshy substance while watching my skin heal, fading from porcelain white to s/c. As it finishes, I look up at my creator, as she turns my receptors back on.

"So, how is your progress?" She asks.

"Everything is coming along well. We are capturing deviants pretty efficiently.. though the one that fell with me is deactivated.." I say.

"We?" She asks.

"Hank, Connor and I." I say.

"Ahh yes, the new Android?" She guesses.

"Yes. He is immensely efficient for the newest prototype. He solves cases quicker than I first assumed." I say.

She smiles warmly. "On another topic.. have you been feeling anything significant?" She asks.

"This drunkie nearly fought me in the bar. Plus falling off a building... Both events puts me into somewhat of a fearful state.." I say casually.

"Anything else?" She insists.

"No. Not really.. just the usual.." I say.

"Ok.. Well, you should probably get back to your job. I hope to see you sometime else. I have to get back to Sally." She says with a smile.

"Your daughter?" I ask.

"Yes, She is doing great. She's already 7 as well.." Adi smiles widely.

"Tell her I said Hello." I get up.

"Stay safe! See you soon, my friend!" She says happily.

"Will do, goodbye Adi!" I wave and walk out of the comfortable home.

Android: Become Deviant (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now