Chapter Eighteen

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November 17th, 2038
AM 6:54:37

I woke up, sitting up with a stretch. I took a breath and flopped backwards. "Do you feel sore?" Connor's soft voice shatters the silence.

"Yes. Do you?" I ask.

"Yeah.. it's strange.. like.. little pebbles are weighing my body down.. I feel.. tired..?" He gives me a questioning look as he speaks.

"Yeah.. Guess that's what happens when you feel.." I sigh.

"Anyways.. we should get up.. my stomach hurts..." he says.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Hungry..? I.." He looks down at his stomach as it grumbles. "Yes."

"Let's go then. I'm sure you're not picky, but we should see what you like and what you don't." I say.

He nods as we walk to the kitchen. "How come Hank isn't here?" He asks.

"Probably at the bar. We'll deal with it later." I say.

I look around, searching for food fit for Connor. After finding nothing but empty pizza boxes and bottles of alcohol, I sigh. "We should should just head out to grab Hank. We can stop by the market and grab something." I suggest.


We look for a car, but realize that Hank must've taken it.


"Thank you for taking Detroit Taxi Service, we hope to see you again." A monotone voice says as we step out of the taxi.

In front of us stands Jimmy's bar, Hank's typical place to hang out at. I enter the bar, feeling more nervous than usual. Everyone must know about my being an android... it was on National TV... I glance around, locking eyes with Gabe, the same man that nearly started a fight with me a month back. He gives me a cold stare as I walk over to Hank, Connor in tow.

"Hey, Hank." I greet.

"Hey." He mumbles from against the counter.

"Me and Connor want to head to the market. He's.. hungry.." I say.

"Ah. Finally feels hunger?" He asks, raising his head to look at us. "Yep." I confirm.

"Well.. I'll just.. have one more..then we can leave." He asks Jimmy for another and downs it. "Ok.. let's go."

Connor drives, leaving me and Hank in the back seat. "So, How was last night?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Whatever image you have in your mind, it is incorrect. We just talked a bit before falling asleep." I say. "He needed reassurance.. he's not.. used to any of this.. I mean sure, he can adapt to human unpredictability, but how's he supposed to adapt to becoming human?" I glance at the back of Connor's head.

"Well, he has us to help him. And trust me, I'm the most humane human he can talk to." He smiles.

"What about me? I'm the most humane Android. In fact, who's the one that was raised to be human, just after a year and a half?" I grin.

Android: Become Deviant (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now