Chapter Eight

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November 8th, 2038
AM 7:47:01

I get up with a stretch. I brush off my clothes, which I wore yesterday. I walk to the hallway and into the kitchen where Hank and Connor stand.

"Hey, Hank?" I tap his shoulder.

"Ahh.. Yes, Y/n?" He turns around.

"Do you have any spare clothes?" I ask.

"I have a jacket as a gift from a friend, and it's too small to fit me, but that's it. Anything else I own isn't your size." He holds his hand just over my head for emphasis.

"Thanks." I smile as I walk into his room.

I walk to his closet, swinging it open. I spot a dark grey jacket. Ooh! It has pockets! I smile and slip into the jacket. It's one(a few) size(s) too big. I shrug as I zip up the jacket and stuff my hands into the pockets. I walk towards the living room, a small growl objecting me.

"I'm starving. What do you have to eat?" I ask Hank.

"Not much. I usually go out to eat." Hank says.

I sigh and walk to the kitchen. I open the cabinets. All I see is an empty bag of chips, a candy bar, two bottles of scotch, and a half full box of cereal. I sigh and check the fridge. There's a small amount of milk left in the jug. I check the expiration date.

It expires tomorrow. Cool.... I grab a bowl, the last bowl in the cabinet, and dump the cereal in and the rest of the milk. (Ignore whole statement if lactose intolerant and just act like you ate toast.) There's enough milk to fill the bowl halfway. As I eat the cereal, Hank and Connor discuss something on the couch.

"I dunno, I think everyone got out safe." Hank says.

"We won't be able to know unless we search the ashes." Connor says.

"Doesn't matter. What would anyone find? Charred bones and debris? Nothing important. Everyone got out alive, scratch the charred bones part." Hank says.

As they continue to talk, I drink the last of my milk. I place the bowl into the sink, giving it a quick rinse.

"Now what?" I ask, leaning on the couch, my arms keeping me straight.

"Dunno." Hank says. "Watch a show."

I click on the TV.

"—What appears to be an Android without its skin."

I flip through the channels and lean forwards, turning the volume up.

"A deviant or a group of deviant androids attacked the Stratford Tower—"

"Escaped off the roof—"

"What may be a terrorist attack—?"

"—droids a threat to society-?"

"Police are investigating now—"

I shut the TV off just as Connor's LED blinks yellow.

"Let's go."

November 8th, 2038
PM 04:06:36

As the elevator ascends, Connor does small tricks with a coin. After a minute of clinking of metal against his fingers, Hank snatches Connor's coin from his hand.

"You're starting to piss me off with those damn coin tricks, Connor." Hank grumbles.

"Sorry, Lieutenant." Connor apologizes.

The elevator doors open. We are greeted with a mess on the floor.

"Shit. Somebody threw a party and no one told me?" Hank asks.

Android: Become Deviant (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now