Chapter Seventeen

280 13 1

November 16th, 2038
PM 02:31:17

I drive to the station, my thoughts trained on last night's dream. Real emotions are so... foreign... to me.. they are so much different than artificial feelings.. I've never had to deal with what I felt last night.. never.. have I felt so.. worthless... empty.. broken...

I sigh and grip the seat with white knuckles as the car drives in autonomous. As I arrive at the DPD station, I look at myself in the rear view mirror, shaking my head. I open the door, walking out of the car, and towards the doors of the building I work at.

I enter the building, taking in the scene around me. Everyone is busy either eating a donut, drinking coffee, filing paperwork, or talking. How stereotypical.. I walk over to my desk, my chair spinning slightly as I turn it so I face the computer.

I begin to scan the files in front of me, searching for anything significant. My phone begins to ring. I pick it up and hold it to my ear, answering the call.

"Y/n?" The voice asks.

"Uh.. yes?"

"This is your landlord. Sorry to tell you.. but we don't let androids have our houses.. we have to uh.. you need to leave.. so uh.. pack up and.. find somewhere that serves androids I guess..." he hangs up.

I sigh, placing a hand on my cheek and leaning on it. I hear a groan beside me and a chair squeaking.

"Fuck. I am so dead..."

"Hey, Hank." I say.

"Hey, Y/n. How are you holding up?" He asks.

"Good." I lie. "You?"

"I think I drank a tad too much." He says.

"How much did you drink..?" I look at him.

"A few." He says.

"A few..? How much is a few?" I add quotation marks for 'a few' with my fingers.

"Just three pints of beer. Not much.." he shrugs.

"Not much..." I mutter. "Anyways, what are we doing today?" I ask, playing with the pen on my desk.

"Dunno. Wait for Connor and hear what he has to say. If he received a report, we go on from there.." he shrugs again.

"Nice plan." I say sarcastically with a smile.

He hums and turns on his computer. I play with my pen. Where is Connor? He's usually here earlier.. just as I am about to ask Hank, Connor rushes in, his usually neat hair disheveled and his suit wrinkled. "A woman was running from the police after she killed her husband. I tried to catch her.. but she..." He lifts his white shirt and black jacket to display a deep gash with blue oozing out.

"It... it hurts..." he whispers, staring at the wound. I jump up, Hank after me.

"Connor! Shit, what happened?" I ask.

"She stabbed me.. I.. I failed to catch her.. she..." He looks up at me. "She's still in town. I saw her run to a laundry place, then she must've fled to a market.. somewhere populated.. the Supermarket!! It's right down the street! We can still catch her!" He lights up.

"We have to patch you up first." I say.

He remains silent as I dunk a napkin into my water. I press it against his wound. He winces making a small grunt.

"Are.. are you ok?" I sweat.

"I.. It hurts.." he says, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You can feel.. everything?" I ask.

Android: Become Deviant (Connor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now