Basement Sweet Basement |Daniel x TsundereReader|

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"Tonight on the news: An android has gone deviant in downtown Detroit and shot its owner in his own home. The deviant then took their daughter Emma hostage, and while the victim's wife managed to escape, the night was far from over.

"The police arrived on the scene as soon as they could, desperate to save the little girl. The deviant had gone rogue and taken her out to the balcony, where it stood on the edge of the roof with a gun pressed to the girl's head. It threatened to jump and planned to take her with it if the police tried to stop it. The situation was bleak, and there was little hope for a happy ending.

"However, just as the situation seemed to be turning sour, what the police referred to as the 'negotiator' arrived on the scene. As an android itself, its job was to learn about the deviant's behavior and approach it before it was too late. The negotiator managed to save the little girl from harm, but much to everyone's shock, the deviant somehow escaped from the police. Nearly every policeman and detective in the city is currently searching for it, and they hope to catch it before it causes any more chaos. Stay tuned for more updates on this terrifying deviant as the chase--"

"TV, off."

I heave a sigh, watching as the screen in front of me disappears, plummeting my room into darkness.  Sometimes it's unnerving to live alone, in a dark and silent house, but what can you do?  I have a roof over my head, and to me, that's pretty important.  Especially in this day and age.  You can't trust anyone nowadays.

I wonder what caused that android to go deviant.  It's been happening more and more frequently as the weeks pass, and the police aren't making any progress.  It's just a mystery.  One day, your android is perfectly fine, doing its chores like it's told.  Then the next day, bam.  Just like that, it's gone deviant.  It has emotions, just like a real human.  It's so bizarre to me.

Not that I have a problem with it, though. Androids are treated like slaves, and I've even heard that some people abuse them. It isn't fair, and although I don't approve of them going rogue and killing people, I think they deserve some of their own freedom.

But hey, if you say that in public, you'll probably get arrested. There's yet another perk of living alone. I can say whatever I want, whenever I want, without getting thrown in prison. See? There are positives to having my own place.

One of the downsides, though, is that whenever you hear a noise, you automatically think it's a murderer.

There's a dull thump downstairs in my basement. I jump to my feet, my heart thudding in the silence of the room. I don't have pets. Someone is down in my basement, and the thought of that alone terrifies me out of my wits.

So, with trembling hands, I grab a flashlight and a kitchen knife and approach the stairs to my basement. If someone is down there, I have every intention of driving them out. Although, I sincerely hope that whoever it is can't hear my pounding heart from where they're at.  That has to be a dead giveaway of my presence.

My throat dry and the blood roaring in my ears, I tiptoe down the creaky steps, the beam of the flashlight the only thing piercing through the darkness.  It's damp and reeks of must, no doubt from all the rain we've been having recently.  I'm almost surprised my entire basement hasn't flooded yet.

I haven't come across anything yet, and I haven't heard another noise since that initial thump.  For a moment I'm starting to think I'm just being paranoid.  Maybe it was the heater, or some water pipes expanding.  It certainly hadn't sounded like a person.  Sometimes the stress of living alone does that to you.  Makes you think random noises are much more dangerous and terrifying than they actually are.  It's late in the night.  I was probably just hearing things.

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