Pigeons? |Rupert x Reader|

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"Are you sure you're okay with me coming to your apartment, Rupert?  I know you like your privacy, and I don't wanna intrude."

"Oh, it's more than okay, (Y/N).  Don't worry about it.  If I wasn't comfortable with you seeing my apartment, I wouldn't have invited you over."

"You make a good point.  I just wanna make sure you're not bothered."

Rupert flashes me a warmhearted smile, his eyes glimmering in the dim lighting as he leads me down the hall toward his apartment.  The two of us have been close for a while, but yesterday was the day he finally asked if I wanted to visit his home.  Of course I had said yes, so now here we are, wandering down an empty hallway in a rather dingy apartment building, but I don't mind.  As long as Rupert is happy with it, that's all that matters.

"You're not bothersome at all, (Y/N),"  Rupert reassures me, gently resting his hand on my shoulder.  "I'm the one who's worried about you thinking my place is a mess."

I dismiss his comment with a wave of my hand.  "A little mess doesn't bother me,"  I tell him.  "As long as you're comfortable, you could be living in a landfill for all I care.  Trust me.  I'm perfectly fine with whatever makes you happy."

Rupert's joyful smile stretches from ear to ear, and it warms my heart.  He's easily one of the nicest and sweetest people I've ever met.  I don't care if he's an android.  Sometimes I think they often have more decency and humanity than most people nowadays, anyway.  Seeing him so genuinely happy to have me visit his home is heartwarming.

As we reach the door to his apartment, he pauses before turning the knob and shifts his gaze back to me.  "You're sure you won't mind a mess?"  he asks, his brow furrowed in concern.  "It's pretty bad.  I can't even explain it.  It's kind of something you have to see for yourself."

Something about his comment makes me laugh.  "I'm sure, Rupert,"  I say, giving him a pat on the arm.  "Do your worst.  I'm ready for it."

Rupert smiles at me, a nervous yet playful glimmer shining in his eyes.  "We'll see about that."

With that, he opens the door, and we're greeted with a short corridor that leads further into his apartment.  I follow him in and close the door behind me, watching as he saunters toward the door on the far side of the hall.  That must be the main room.

I catch up with him as he waits at the door, nervously clapping his hands together.  I'm not sure what he's so anxious about.  I haven't noticed a mess at all.  Other than it being a little dark, it seems like a perfectly normal and cozy apartment.

Then I hear a series of soft coos coming from the other side of the door; Rupert must notice the puzzled frown adorning my face, because he opens the door, revealing the most confusing sight I've ever seen in my entire life.

A giant flock of pigeons covers the entire floor and every square inch of the room.

I don't have any words.  My mind is completely blank, struggling to comprehend what I'm seeing.  It definitely is something I needed to see for myself, I guess, but that doesn't make it any less confusing to look at.  Why are there so many pigeons?

"I know it looks weird,"  Rupert says with a laugh, watching my perturbed face as I stare at the flock of pigeons swarming the room.  "They won't hurt you, though. They were here when I fled the farm I used to work at, and I've just been feeding them ever since. They keep me company, as weird at it sounds. They're my friends."

My eyebrows still raised, I turn to face him as a pigeon flies over my head. "They're your friends?"  I repeat, but I can't hide my amusement.  "Never heard of that one before.  Cats and dogs, maybe, but a flock of pigeons?  That's certainly a new one."

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