Girls' Night Out |Chloe x Reader|

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Surprisingly enough, sneaking into Elijah Kamski's enormous mansion isn't nearly as hard as one might think. You'd imagine he'd have some type of high-tech security system, seeing as he is the founder of CyberLife, but there's nothing. Either that, or maybe he just doesn't mind that I'm planning to take one of his androids out for a night on the town.

Chloe isn't just any plain android, though. We've been friends for months, ever since she decided to break free of her programming and become a deviant. She still lives with Kamski, though, because in all honesty, I think turning her into a deviant was his plan all along. I've spoken to him a few times before, so it's not like I'm breaking into a total stranger's house, but still. I've known him long enough to say that he's definitely an odd and eccentric person. I wouldn't put any of it past him.

The bright moon pierces through the dark clouds when I find Chloe in the pool room, absentmindedly staring at the snowfall outside. She perks up and turns around when she hears me come in.

"Oh, hello, (Y/N)," she greets with a sweet smile. "What are you doing here? It's late."

"Exactly," I reply with a mischievous smile of my own; when she flashes me a frown of confusion, I elaborate. "You haven't really explored the city since you've become a deviant, Chloe. I wanna change that. You need to get out there, experience life, and I think I know just the place."

Chloe cocks her head to the side, intrigue glimmering in her eyes. "At night?" she asks. "I didn't know there were things to explore at night, but I'm interested. What's the place?"

"It'll be better as a surprise," I tell her. "You'll see when we get there, but I think you're really gonna like it, Chloe."

Chloe smiles at me, her face alight with pure joy; the look suits her well. "I'm sure I will, too. You have an excellent taste for adventure, (Y/N). I'm excited to see what you have in mind."

"So you don't care that I'm basically kidnapping you from your old master's house and taking you into the city after dark?" I ask playfully, unable to hold back a laugh. I hope Kamski can't hear us from wherever he's at.

With an amused giggle of her own, Chloe shakes her head. "Of course not, (Y/N). Why would I ever turn down a chance to spend time with my favorite human?"

A warm feeling encloses around my heart, spreading through my veins and making every inch of me burst with happiness. I'm incredibly grateful to have someone like Chloe in my life, regardless if she's an android. She treats me with kindness and the utmost respect, and I treat her just like another human who deserves the entire world. And she does. Chloe deserves everything for how amazing she is, and sometimes I fear I can't give her what she deserves.

The least I can do is try my hardest, though. She's never given up on me, and I plan to return the favor.

And I'll start by taking her to a place she's always mentioned to me.

My heart full of warmth, I extend my hand toward her, letting her take it and squeeze it tightly. "Come on, Chloe. I know you're really gonna love this place."

* * * * *

"A karaoke bar?" The childlike glee in Chloe's voice makes a smile spread across my face. "I've been wanting to visit one of these places forever! I heard about them all the time on TV!"

"I know," I reply, staring up at the bright blue and pink neon glow of the karaoke bar sign. Its dazzling luminescence shines on Chloe's delighted face. "I've heard you mention them before, too, and I thought it would be the perfect little outing for the two of us."

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