Eavesdropping |Simon x Reader|

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Normally when I return to the hold of Jericho after my daily walk, I'm greeted with a friendly wave from Markus, or an energetic high-five from North.  Sometimes Simon even gives me a warmhearted hug, despite his shy nature.  Regardless, someone is always there to greet me.

But today, when I step down into the hold, it's completely abandoned and eerily silent.  It doesn't look like a single soul is around.  Where did everybody go?

A frown adorning my face, I shrug off my jacket and toss it onto a nearby barrel.  "Simon?"  I call, my voice echoing through the empty room.  "Markus?  North?  Josh?  Where are you guys?"

I don't get an answer.

This is strange.  The hold is always filled with androids, regardless if it's one or a few dozen, but now, it's like everyone decided to up and leave while I was gone and didn't tell me.  The emptiness of the room is almost starting to concern me.  Did something happen?

I call out for my friends again, but just like last time, I don't receive an answer.  Maybe they went out on a supply run, but without telling me?  Something is fishy, and I don't know if I like it.

It's so silent that I can hear the blood roaring in my ears.  I make my way through the hold, coming across no one as I find the stairs leading up to the top control room.  Maybe someone's up there.  I know Markus likes to hang out there for sure.  It's his thinking place, as far as I know, and in all honesty, I can't think of a more serene and quieter place to sit and ponder.

"Hello?  Guys?"  I call out as I start to ascend the old stairs, making my way up to the control room.  The cold wind bites at my exposed skin.  "Is anyone--"

I suddenly stop in my place as I hear a soft murmur of voices, and they're coming from inside the control room.

"Dude, just talk to her,"  I hear North say, her tone sounding exasperated.  "It's not that hard."

"Yeah, come on.  It's not like she's gonna kill you if you tell her,"  Josh adds.  "You guys are practically inseparable.  What are you so worried about?"

"You know exactly what I'm worried about."  Now that's definitely Simon's voice, and he sounds concerned.

"Man up, Simon.  Sheesh,"  North says; I can just barely see her silhouette crossing her arms through the window.  "What's the worst thing that could happen?"

"Oh, I have a list.  Want me to share it?"

Despite having no idea what they're talking about, I can't hide a smile as it spreads across my face.  I've been close with Simon ever since I came to Jericho, and it's safe to say he's always been a bit on the skittish and worried side.  He's still an absolute sweetheart, though, and I'd do anything to see him happy.  I wonder what he's so concerned about now.

"Please don't."  North's frustrated voice snaps me back to reality.  "Just grow a pair and talk to her.  Honestly, it can't be that hard."

"You try talking to someone you're in love with, North, and see how that makes you feel,"  Simon tries to argue back, but he can't hide the tremor in his voice.

Now I'm really intrigued.  Someone he's in love with?  He doesn't talk to that many people, nor do I think he's that close with anyone else.  I can't stop the anxiety from swirling in the pit of my stomach as I creep closer to the door of the control room.  I have to know who he's talking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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