Promises |Hank x Connor|

527 19 15

*Trigger warning for this one.  Attempted suicide and other talks of suicide/depression.  Please take care of yourselves <3

It had been a rough day for the ongoing deviant case. After getting a call about a suspected deviant in the area, Hank and Connor had gone to investigate. The suspect had indeed been a deviant in hiding, but as soon as the two had attempted to catch him, he tried to run away. Connor had chased him down for as long as he could, but in the end, the deviant had knocked Hank over a ledge; instantly, he knew his partner's life was much more important than catching the deviant.

It was a heavy blow to the investigation. The deviant was still out there, running for his life, but to Hank, it didn't matter. They knew what the deviant looked like. They could still find him. What mattered to him was that Connor had given up the chase to save his life. He thought for sure that the android would leave him dangling there and go after the deviant. That was what he was programmed to do. It was his mission, as he always called it, but no. In an instant, without any sort of hesitation, Connor had forgotten all about the deviant and rushed to save his partner. Hank hadn't known what to say, and as a matter of fact, he still didn't. Everything that had happened that day was all too much for him to wrap his tired mind around.

Now it was late in the night, hours after the day's taxing events. Hank had brought Connor back to his house to calm down after the chase. Despite the fact that Connor was an android, he seemed worn out, maybe even a little stressed, and Hank didn't want to leave him out there, no matter how much he pissed him off sometimes. Connor was starting to grow on him, slowly but surely, and that was something that Hank never would've imagined.

With Sumo lying at his feet, Hank sat at the kitchen table, the house around him dim and silent. Connor had gone off to snoop around a while ago, probably, and he hadn't returned yet. He had curious tendencies. Hank didn't bother trying to stop him from snooping. As long as he wasn't causing a problem, it wasn't a big concern.

But as the cold night dragged on and he still hadn't returned to the kitchen table, Hank couldn't stop the worries from creeping into his mind.

Sumo glanced up and wagged his tail as Hank stood. He tried to get up to follow his master, but Hank told him to stay, giving him a pat on the head. Finding out what Connor was up to didn't necessarily require Sumo to tag along. He looked comfortable underneath the table, and it was probably best for him to stay there.

"Connor?" Hank called, leaving the dimly lit kitchen. "Where'd you wander off to now? Sumo's starting to get restless without someone else petting him all the time."

He didn't get a response. The house was eerily silent, the only sound being Sumo's gentle panting back in the kitchen. Where had Connor gone? Hank was starting to get worried. Usually he couldn't keep Connor off his back. Now he had disappeared completely, and Hank couldn't believe he was admitting that he missed the android's presence.

"Connor?" Hank pushed open the bathroom door, a frown adorning his face. "Seriously, where the fuck did you--"

He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, his heart plummeting to the floor and his blood turning to ice.

Connor was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, a pistol pressed to his temple.

"Connor!"  Hank cried, rushing into the bathroom, his mind spinning.  "What the hell are you--"

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