Captivation |Connor x Kara|

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"I'll handle it, Hank.  I've dealt with cases like this before,"  Connor said as Hank pulled up to an old house on the outskirts of Detroit.  Back at the station, they had received a call about an assault involving an android, so Hank and Connor had hopped in the car and sped to the address as fast as they possibly could.  Now that they had arrived, though, the situation looked far more foreboding than they had anticipated.

"Hell no,"  Hank scoffed, turning off the engine.  "You're not going in there by yourself.  I'm coming with you, because I'm the one who has the gun."

Connor couldn't argue with him.  The two of them got out of the car and approached the old house, the distant sound of construction the only thing filling the evening air.

Hank pounded on the door.  "Open up!"  he shouted.  "Detroit Police!  We received a call about an assault!  Open the door!"

No one answered.  The interior of the house sounded eerily silent from where they stood on the porch, but that didn't necessarily mean everything was all right.  If Hank had learned one thing over the course of his life at the police department, it was that most guilty criminals always hid when the police came pounding on the door.

He tried again.  "I'm not gonna give you another chance!"  he warned, his hand hovering over the holster inside his coat.  "Open up, or we'll kick the whole damn door down!"

Still no response, but the dining room light was on, its faint light pooling out of the window and onto the sidewalk.  Someone was home, and they were purposely ignoring Hank and Connor.  Now they had no other choice but to open the door by force.

Hank was just about to step back and get a running start at the door when they heard a scream of terror coming from inside the house, and it sounded like a little girl.

The two of them didn't hesitate for a second longer.  Exchanging a determined glance with Connor, Hank charged at the door, kicking it open with one swift movement.  It violently bounced off the wall on the other side, revealing the horrific scene that was unfolding in the living room.

A large, grimy man was attacking his android, all the while his young daughter watched from the sidelines, screaming and begging for him to stop; not once did he stop to listen to her desperate pleas.

"Step away from the android!"  Hank demanded, drawing his gun.  "Don't make me shoot, because I will not fucking hesitate!"

But the outraged man didn't listen.  With a forceful shove, he threw his android to the floor, completely ignoring her pained cries; as she hit the hard floor, she happened to meet Connor's eyes, and in an instant, everything changed.

Connor wasn't sure what it was, but something about the unreadable emotion glimmering behind her eyes made something stir deep inside of him.  She looked scared, in agony from the trauma this man was inflicting upon her.  Her skirt was torn and dirty, the collar of her top slightly ripped from abuse.  In that moment, as she stared at Connor with frightened eyes, he could almost hear her silent cries for help, and he was suddenly more than determined to save her from this mess.

"I'm not gonna ask you again, asshole!"  Hank shouted, ripping Connor from his whirling mind; the android wasn't looking at him anymore.  "Step away from the android, and maybe I won't pull the goddamn trigger!"

"Daddy, please listen!"  the little girl cried, her eyes shining with tears and her tone full of desperation.  "Don't hurt her!  Please!"

"Or what?"  the man chuckled, delivering a swift kick to the android's stomach; her frail whimpers drilled into Connor's skull.  "The big bad policeman is gonna shoot me?  Yeah, right.  He won't pull the trigger."

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