What the hell is going on?

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"Can I help you?" A woman's voice sounded near me. I was sitting in a chair in the hallway of a restaurant. I've been in New York City for almost two weeks now, and I finally had a job. Today is my first day as a waitress for a Japanese restaurant. I stood up from the chair I was sitting in.

"Ah, Yes. I'm Akio. Today is my first day as an employee." I said nervously. I've been outside my comfort zone since I arrived here. I've never traveled outside Japan, so I already felt very uncomfortable in this city. I thought that maybe serving in a Japanese restaurant might help me feel more at home.

The woman's face lit up with realization and she nodded. "Oh yes, I remember. Come in." she beckoned me with her hand.

I followed her to a small room where uniforms were stored. I was given my uniform and I put it on. The woman gave me a tour of the restaurant before giving me my first task of the day. Throughout the day I realized how lucky I was to be fluent in English. My father taught me in case we ever went to the U.S. but we never did.

I was almost done with my shift when a group of seven Asian men walked in. It was almost ten o'clock when they sat in a large booth in the corner of the restaurant. I thought it was rude of them to come right before the restaurant was due to close. They all wore some kind of black and white formalwear as if they came from some kind of gala. They all looked young, too. They didn't look any older than I am, and I'm 27.

I was about to go over to the table when I felt a hand on my arm. I turned my head to see the woman that had shown me around earlier. She was staring at the boys with wide, fearful eyes before she looked at me. "Maybe someone else can wait on them. I don't want you to have to deal with them."

I looked at her, confused. Do they cause trouble? Are they some of those annoying rich brats that the other workers told me about during the day?

"Actually, I think the others either left already or they're busy. I can take care of them." I said with a reassuring smile.

I've had a lot of experience with unpleasant customers, so I didn't think that it would be that big of a deal. I saw the woman sigh and nod. "Just be careful, dear. They're very powerful."

With that, the woman walked away. Without a second thought about the woman's words, I walked over to the group. They already had the menus in their hands when I walked up to their table.

"Hello. My name is Akio and I'll be your server for the night. Can I get you something to drink?" I asked in my pleasant customer service voice.

The seven guys looked up at me almost at the same time. One of them had bleached blond hair and a bored look on his face. Another had darker blond hair swept to one side, who looked like he could be the leader of the group. He sat between to guys who had medium brown hair. One had a long face like a horse and the other had almost perfect features on his face. They both dressed very similarly. Sitting across from them were two guys with black hair. One had glasses on while the other's unframed piercing eyes looked into mine. The last one sat at the end of the table across from the blond-haired guy. He had dark brown hair and strong, broad shoulders that could act as a wall.

"Bring us the best beer and sake you have." The blonde-haired man said. "None of that cheap shit."

I was surprised at his attitude, but I just bowed at them. "Right away." I said in a respectful tone before turning and walking away.

After getting the most expensive drinks, I went back and served the drinks. They ordered their food at the time as well. I wasn't aware of the broad shoulders guy staring at me until it was his turn to order. He seemed to take interest in me, but then again a lot of guys hit on me every single day. I just thought that he was no different.

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