What will happen to me?

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By the time Tae and I got back to the house, everyone was already asleep, so I just decided to spend the night in the closet. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be since I had all of my clothes right there and a bathroom was nearby. After taking a quick shower to wash off the sweat from work I went right to sleep. Despite the disturbing events of the night, I slept like a rock throughout the night. When I woke up in the morning I put on a white and yellow sundress and went upstairs to eat a late breakfast. I ate in the same spot I ate the morning before while everyone piled their dirty dishes in the kitchen sink.

"Akio." I heard my name being called. I looked around to see that it was Taehyung that called out my name. "I'm taking you and Namjoon to the hospital. After that, you're going to spend some time at the Night Club before going to work at the restaurant tonight."

I nodded with a mouthful of yogurt.

I dreaded the thought of going to an underground hospital where the doctors straight out of a horror movie worked. And what's worse, if I survive the hospital, I would be spending the afternoon with Jungkook who I was sure hated my guts. These thoughts ran through my head as I washed the dishes. As soon as I was done I quickly did my hair and make-up and put on a pair of flats before packing a change of shoes for later. I went to the front door to wait for Namjoon and J-hope. I didn't have to wait long.

Taehyung walked up to me holding a new black dress for me. I put it in my bag that had my change of shoes and some makeup for later tonight. I followed them out to the car and got into the back seat. As Taehyung drove to the hospital I could feel my stomach become uneasy. I didn't know what to expect, but my mind was filled with images straight out of horror movies that I had seen years ago.

Before I knew it we arrived at the hospital. Taehyung parked the car in the back parking lot and we entered through the back door where I saw the nurses yesterday. I followed closely behind Taehyung and Namjoon, afraid of being swiped by some psycho doctor. Although the building looked like an old abandoned store on the outside, it sure as hell looked like a real hospital inside. I could see a few bloodstains here and there on the light-colored walls and the floor that looked rather fresh. I cringed and looked around to make sure no one was following us.

As I was looking behind myself, I ran into something that was in front of me. I turned to see that it was Taehyung. He didn't even look back at me as he stood in front of a door with the word 'Extraction' written on it.

What the hell are they extracting?

My question was answered when the door swung open and Namjoon and Taehyung walked in. The room was long and dark with chairs and tables scattered throughout the room. On the far side of the dark room were windows that overlooked three separate rooms. One of those rooms was occupied.

These look like interrogation rooms. As the three of us walked into the room, my eyes were drawn to the room that was occupied by three men. One of the men was Jackson, the other I recognized from last night as the man who let Taehyung and me into the building last night. The third man must be the man from the other gang that they were interrogating. The man's face was bloody and bruised, and his shirtless torso revealed long gashes as if he was whipped with spikes.

I let out a small gasp in surprise at the sight of the mangled man who sat in the chair. I've never seen someone beaten so badly before. My mind flashed back to the dead body that I saw last night. The dead body wasn't as mangled as that man is right now but I couldn't tell which was worse.

I approached the glass, which looked slightly tinted as though it was a one-way mirror. I could see into the room, but no one in the room could see us.

Jackson's screams of anger and frustration were muted by the sound-proof walls that lined the room. Namjoon tapped on the window three times, gaining the attention of the three men in the room. Jackson walked out of the room, leaving the prisoner with the other man in the room. As Jackson walked out he greeted Namjoon and Taehyung before looking at me with surprise.

"Why are you in a place like this?" he asked before looking at Namjoon. "Why did you bring her here?"

"We're taking her to Jungkook's nightclub after we stop by here. We didn't want to leave her alone." Namjoon said, grabbing Jackson's shoulder and leading him away from me. "Tell me what's going on."

With that, Namjoon and Jackson went to the corner of the room and began talking. I didn't want to intrude, and I felt really uncomfortable here to begin with so I needed to get out.


"Yeah?" he asked, turning to face me.

"Where is the bathroom?" I asked shyly.

"Down the hall. Make a left and then a right." He pointed in the direction of the bathrooms.

I hesitated. Am I going to be kidnapped here? I bit my lip, unsure if I should ask Taehyung to accompany me. He would probably say no.

"Don't worry. You won't get snatched up by a psycho doctor. Here." He said, handing me a blue card with a Silver T etched into it. It looked like some kind of access card to a building. "If you have this then they'll know you're with me."

I took the card and gave him a little nod of gratitude. "Thanks. I'll be back soon." I murmured before walking out of the room and down the hallway. I managed to find the bathroom and I took my time before heading back. As I walked back I noticed a large blood smear down one of the hallways that I didn't notice before when I was walking to the bathroom. The blood smear disappeared through a set of double doors.

Don't do it.

The voice in my head said.

Don't do what they do in the movies.

I sighed. Just one peek.

I quietly tiptoed over to the doors and looked into the window of one of the doors. When I saw what was inside I realized that this was a huge mistake. My stomach dropped at the sight before me. There were at least a dozen gurneys inside that had what looked like bodies covered in bloodied white sheets. The chill coming from the crack in the door suggested that it's a cooler for dead bodies.

I felt my stomach churn and suddenly I felt like I needed to go back to the bathroom. I turned to head back, but a large dark figure stood in my way.

I screamed in shock and horror and I began running down the hallway away from the figure. I never thought that I could run so fast in my life.

I rounded a corner and I ran into someone. I landed on top of them with a loud "OOF!" The thought of the man behind me coming after me flashed through my head and I tried to scramble to my feet, apologizing as I did.

"Akio!" The voice sounded familiar.

I looked down to see the person I had run into. It was Jackson.

"Jackson! Someone just scared the shit out of me and they might be after me!" I almost yelled in a panicked voice.

"Well, you shouldn't have been there in the first place." Taehyung's voice sounded from around the corner that I had come from. "You were just supposed to go to the bathroom and come back. But you went snooping."

Taehyung finally came into view and I sat on the floor feeling embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to. I just went to see what was in that one room." I shuddered at the thought. "That's horrible."

"Is death so horrible to you?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head as he watched Jackson help me up from the floor.

I shrugged. "Besides seeing my dead father in the hospital, I've never seen another dead body before last night."

"Death is everywhere, Akio. You've just never seen it. But in this world, you will see a lot of it. You can't let every little thing bother you. You better get used to it."

Taehyung turned to walk away.

"Is that what will happen to me if I don't pay back my father's debt?" My voice was shaking.

He stopped walking, his back still turned to me. He looked over his shoulder and nodded once. "Yes."

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