Unexpected Invitation

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Over the next two months, I continued to train with Christian, with Jungkook joining in on most days. I even took a few small hit jobs to keep me on my toes. It took a while, but Jungkook finally began to warm up to me. I could still catch him glaring at me occasionally, but I never said anything. He probably wondered if I would really kill his mentor. I gradually got to know Christian more, but he never once mentioned the prophecy to me. Instead, he talked more about the times he went to Japan, where I'm from.

Talking about Japan made me feel a little bit homesick. I missed my home, I missed my father, and I missed my friends. For the first time since I got here, I felt lonely. I don't have anyone to talk to about my problems, I don't have anyone to just hang out with and have fun with. I haven't had fun since before my father died a few months ago. Whenever I slept alone, I cried myself to sleep. How much longer can I keep this fake smile on my face?

"Akio." I heard Christian's voice call from the doorway of the training room.

Jungkook and I had just finished our practice and we were putting the weapons away when Christian approached me. I stood facing him, expecting him to give me a quiz on what I learned today.

"I'm giving you tomorrow off." He said in a calm voice.

I raised my eyebrow, not expecting to hear him say that. "Why?" I asked.

"You've trained hard these past two months, and you've been improving, but you seem to be stressed out about something. You're beginning to lose focus, so I think you need a day to get your act together. That includes not going into work." Christian eyed Jungkook, who was standing just a few feet away pretending to clean the weapons on the wall. He then looked back to me and gave me a little smile. "I already informed Namjoon."

For a moment, I thought that he was testing me. But the look on his face told me that he was being serious. "I haven't not worked since I got here. I feel like it's wrong to just take a day off. I don't even know what to do with a day off. I don't even have any friends." My voice trailed off in the last sentence.

"I never give someone a day off for no reason. But from what I heard from Namjoon, you've been working non-stop since you arrived. That's not good for your mentality. You need a day to yourself. But don't do anything stupid. I expect you to be back to your regular routine the next day."

I let out a small sigh before giving Christian a nod. "Thanks."

Christian just gave a little side smile before turning and walking out of the practice room. I was left alone with Jungkook once again.

I stayed still for a minute, trying to process what Christian said. Even he could tell that I've been stressed out. Is it that obvious? Will a day off really help matters? I don't even know what to do. I don't have anyone to hang out with. I felt that being alone with only my thoughts for company made me feel worse.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Jungkook said as he stood in the doorway.

I looked over at him and shook my head. "Sorry. I'm just trying to think about what to do tomorrow. I don't have any friends to see, and I don't like the thought of not doing anything for an entire day."

I walked over to Jungkook, and followed him out the door. We began to make our way over to the Lockers.

"I'm taking a small road trip tomorrow if you want to come."

That's strange. Jungkook never asked me to do anything with him. He just told me what to do. Jungkook is one of the last of the guys to warm up to me. The only one who isn't even close to liking me one bit is my own half-brother, Jin. I never figured out why he dislikes me so much, but then again, I didn't see him much. But maybe it's better that way.

"Um, OK am I just imagining this whole day? Why are you and Christian being nice to me?"

Jungkook let out a chuckle as we walked side-by-side to the locker rooms. I looked over at him to see him shake his head.

"No. Maybe we're just showing you more respect because you earned it. And I'm being serious. Do you want to come or not?"

I only had to think about it for a second. "Yes. Where?"

"Outside the city. There's an old abandoned warehouse that we're converting into an arms storage facility. I'm supposed to take a look at the building and approve before they start working on it. I might make a couple of detours on the way back."

Jungkook gave me a little wink before walking away from me and heading to the men's locker room.

I was left to speculate what kind of detours he might take. I actually liked the mystery of not knowing where he'll take me tomorrow. Usually, I don't like to not know where I'm going, but I found that I've been enjoying things that I normally don't enjoy. Must be the training.

After we showered and got changed, we resumed our regular routine of going to the nightclub and lounge. Our night ended unusually early, even for a weekday, but we decided to head back to the house.

"Get your things ready tonight. Might want to take a change of clothes just in case the warehouse is filthy." Jungkook said as he shut the door behind us after we walked into the house.

"What time should I set my alarm for?" I asked, slowly making my way over to the basement door.

I was suddenly stopped and lightly pushed against the wall. Jungkook's hand lightly pressed into my shoulder as he looked down at me.

"It might be best if you sleep with me. That way we can get up at the same time." Jungkook said, with a hint of uneasiness in his voice. I guessed that he usually doesn't ask women to sleep with him.

It's the first time Jungkook even suggested something like this, so I felt a little bit awkward just thinking about sleeping in the same bed as him.

"Uh, OK let me just get my things ready and I'll be right up." I said with a smile.

Jungkook let go of my shoulder and stepped back. "Don't make me wait too long. I'm tired." He said before turning and walking toward the stairs.

I quickly packed my things and got changed. I left my packed bag on a chair that stood at the island of the kitchen, and then made my way up the stairs. Jungkook's door was slightly open, so I knocked on the door lightly.

"Yeah, come in." Jungkook's tired voice sounded from the room.

I opened the door and walked in. Jungkook was folding back the sheets of his bed wearing only a pair of his black sweatpants. I could see his hard muscles that were always hidden under the shirts he wore, even in training. Most of the men took off their shirts, but Jungkook always had a shirt on. I felt my face flush at the sight of his toned and muscular body.

"Why is your face red? It's not like it's your first time seeing a guy shirtless."

Jungkook crawled into the bed and then patted the spot next to him on the bed.

"But I've never seen you without a shirt before. You wear long sleeves a lot, and your t-shirts are always too big on you. It's a shame, with a body like yours."

I pulled myself together and slid into the bed next to Jungkook. He lay down on his back and closed his eyes as I made myself comfortable.

"Just because I have a nice body doesn't mean I like to show it off."

"You should." I murmured as I lay on my back next to Jungkook. "It would make me very happy."

I heard Jungkook let out a small chuckle before we both fell silent and drifted off to sleep.

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