The Truth Told

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"Are you sure this is the place?"

Jungkook and I were hidden in a small room that overlooked a large open area of the hangar. There were four men standing in the middle of the open room. We could hear their conversation from the small room since the door and the windows were all broken.

"This is the place he told us about." One of the men said.

"Are you sure? There's nothing here. How fucking reliable is this source of yours?"

"It's not my source! It's the boss' friend from China or wherever."

"This source got a name? I wanna call him up myself and get his ass over here to show him that there's nothing here!"

"I don't think you wanna piss off the boss' friend."

"That bastard gave us a phony location. I'm gonna make him pay!"

"You'll die before you even have the slightest clue where he is. He's an assassin."

Although I was staying still, I felt like my body froze. Another assassin knows where this location is? Is it one of our own? Have we been betrayed?

"This damn assassin got a fucking name?"

"Jun. The Top Assassin in the world."

I never knew the name of the Top Assassin, but now I could put a name to the title. Jun.

I looked over toward Jungkook, and he seemed to be frozen like a statue. The look of shock was clear on his face. When he finally moved, he looked over at me and gave me a nod. He then slowly rose up so that he peeked over the edge of the wall where the windows used to be. He pointed his gun toward the trio, careful to get the right angle. They weren't too far away, but they weren't close enough to launch a surprise attack. As soon as Jungkook fired the first shot, they would scatter and come after us. I took the chance to move out of the room. The men would make it rain bullets at the spot where Jungkook fires with their guns. Might as well get the hell out of there now.

I crouched behind some equipment in the hangar not far from where Jungkook was. I had a better angle of the men, and I was in more of a position to attack them when they came after Jungkook.

I didn't have to wait long before he shot rang out and one of the men fell to the floor.

"Nice shot" I whispered.

The other two men looked around in confusion before they heard the sound of footsteps retreating from the room where Jungkook took the shot. They lifted their guns and began firing. They ran over to the room as they fired. As soon as their backs were to me, I jumped.

My sword was drawn, and it went right through the shooter closest to me. I quickly dodged behind the equipment again, and I heard the gunshots stop for a moment.

The next round of gunshots was aimed at me, and I could hear the bullets hitting the metal barrier between them and myself.

Another set of gunshots rang out, and I heard one of the men cry out and hit the floor.


"Who are you?! Show yourself!" the man yelled.

I peered around the corner and saw that his back was to me. He was a bit far away, but I took the opportunity and sprang out of my hiding spot. I was glad I didn't wear loud shoes, but they were still loud enough for the man to hear me. He turned just as I was a couple of feet from him. He looked surprised before he lifted his gun. He fired a second before my sword pierced his heart. The bullet missed me by an inch.

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