The Fight

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"Kara be careful" Mon-El warns while dodging reigns punches. " I'm always careful " she replies.
"Respectfully disagree" he mumbles under his breath. " Hey, sorry to interrupt but I don't think know is a great time to have a conversation" Alex chips in over the comms. "Sorry" Kara and Mon-El both say in perfect unison.

"Guys, we can't afford reign to leave. You need to do it." Jonn demands from the DEO. "NO" Kara yells back. "I don't kill! Not even her." " Kara, it's the only way " Alex argues. "Nope, not going to do it" Kara replied. "We gave Mon-El the kryptonite knife, Stab her through the heart and she's done." Jonn informs her.

Kara quickly turns around to see Mon-El dodging reigns punches and surprisingly powerful kicks. "Mon-El" she yells. "Give me it" she whispers. Mon-El then slides the knife through reigns legs to where Kara can reach it without reign noticing.

"I will rid this planet of human life! AND IT SHALL REIGN!" Reign yells like she's all high and mighty. Kara can fill herself getting weaker and weaker. Just being in the presence of kryptonite can harm her. Kara picks up the knife and slowly walks over to reign.

"You think you can stop what's to comes? " reign asks.
"What's to come?" Mon-El asks with a confused look on his face. "Something more powerful than you, than your little friends from the DEO, even me. You think killing me will stop it? Your even dumber than I took you for" she explains. "Your one to talk" Kara whispers into reigns ear as she shoved the knife through her back. Not heart. Not anywhere that could kill her. But it will weaken her.

Reign falls to her knees screaming in agonizing pain. Mon-El then hits her over the head which makes her fall over and pass out. "Thank Rao! She was getting so annoying" Mon-El says with a smile on his face. Kara couldn't help but giggle. They just stand there over reigns body staring into each other's eyes smiling. "Umm... Sorry to interrupt this uncomfortable but very sweet moment, but you need to bring reign in" Winn chips in over the comms. "Uh, yeah, yeah of course. We are on our way." Kara says with embarrassment in her tone.

Mon-El threw reign over his shoulder, since Kara couldn't be that close to kryptonite. Kara flew back to the DEO, with Mon-El leaping behind her. Once they both reached the balcony of the DEO at least 17 agents came to take reign away to her cell.

When they began walking down the stairs many agents were lined up clapping and giving them so much praise. Mon-El and Kara just starred at each other with such giant smiles, truth be told you could see them from space.

Karas smile was the first to go, she nearly tripped over her feet. She seemed a little unbalanced. "Kara? Are you okay?" Mon-El asks while placing a hand on her shoulder. "Um, yeah, I.... AHHHHHH" Kara begins to scream in agonizing pain. She clinches onto Mon-El's suit. She looks up at him with her very blue comet eyes to meet his. "Mon-El" she whispers as her eyes close and she begins to falls forwards. Her head hitting ever step as the falls down to the floor.

" Kara! " Mon-El and Alex both surprisingly say in unison. Mon-El leaps down to where Kara is lying on the floor. Alex running towards her checking her pulse.

"Alex? Is the breathing? Mon-El asks with tearful eyes
" Shes...... "

To be continued....

Thanks for reading. Please comment if there is anything you want to see in this story. And please if you have any advise to help me make my story better I would love to hear it.

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