Saving Mon-El

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Kara storms into the DEO crying, screaming, and throwing things around.

"AHHHHHH" She cries, falling to her knees in the middle of the DEO.

"What's wrong Kara?" Alex asks sympathetic. "You saved them. You saved us all!"

"No I didnt" she whispers, tears rolling down her face.

"What do you mean? Kara, you did save everyone. No one died!" Alex exclaims

"MON-EL DID!" Kara shouts, getting up off of her knees.

" I'm so sorry Kara" Alex says sympathetically.

Kara runs past Alex and into Mon-El's room in the DEO. She grabs his pillow and sits on his bed. Her eyes, filled with tears and sadness, are released into the pillow. The pillow that stills contains the smell of him.

Kara looks down at the Legion Ring that Mon-El gave her. She stared at it for at Least 12 minutes until it hit her. There was away to save Mon-El.

Kara runs into the center of the DEO.

"WINN!!!" She shouts, wiping away the tears.

"What!" He shouts back, startled.

"Find me a time rift." She orders

"And... What for?" He asks, a confused look plastered across his face.

"I'm going to go back in time. I'm going to save Mon-El!" She exclaims. "I have his ring, it will keep me safe, I can do it. I have to."

" Kara i don't think.... "

"Please Winn, I can't lose him again. Not again!" She interrupts.

"Fine, but don't tell Alex. That women scares me. And quite frankly I love my life." He agrees.

Kara takes off of the balcony and flies up to the sky, going further and further. When she reaches space, she goes faster and faster.

Mon-El, Mon-El, Mon-El, Mon-El. Is all that Kara was thinking about.

She closed her eyes, and stopped flying.


When Kara opened her eyes, she found herself beside Mon-El, in his bed.

It was this morning, it was before all of... everything happened.

"Mon-El" she whispers, a tear rolling down her face.

She wraps her arms around him, squeezing him in a tight hug.

"Kara?" His eyes flutter open.

"Mon-El!" She exclaims

She grabs his face and pulls him into a kiss. A long, passionate kiss.

Tears start rolling down her face.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asks, a confused look plastered across his face.

"Nothing, I'm perfectly fine." She cries. Holding tightly into Mon-El.

"Oh!" Kara exclaims.

She hops out of bed, and dresses quickly. Mon-El doing the same behind her.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"Nothing. I just..... I just remembered my mom telling me where the place was." She explains.

"Well let's go!" He exclaims.


Kara finds the bomb that her mother was suppose to give her on the table. She picks it up, and runs out the door, holding onto Mon-Els hand.

When they reach the house, Kara flies about 3 inches above the floor. She places down the bomb and pushes the button.

Kara flies out, picking up Mon-El, and landing back at Aluras house.

When they hear the explosion, they both quickly turn around, to see small things flying up in the sky, from the distance.

Kara turns around, and makes eye contact with her now breathing Mon-El.

"let's go home, I want to get married." She smiles

Mon-El just pulls her into a quick kiss.

"Yeah." He breathes. "Lets go home"

To be continued...

Thanks for reading! Y'all voted for a happy ending, so here's the beginning of it. If y'all want me to finish the story with the wedding then comment 'yes' or 'no'. If not, I will come up with a different happy ending.

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