Long Ride

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"Come here" Mon-El motions for Kara to come sit on his lap.

Kara slides over onto Mon-Els lap and wraps her arms around his neck, starring into his grey eyes.

"We are going to save Argo and I'm going to come back with you." Mon-El promises, pushing Karas hair behind her ear.

Kara grabs a hold of Mon-Els face with both of her hands. "I love you" she whispers right before leaning in, gently placing her lips onto his. He holds her by the waist, pushing her closer to him, if that was even possible, deepening the kiss.

This was the first time Mon-El has kissed Kara in almost 8 years. But yet he never forgot how passionate their kisses were, how soft her lips were, and the warmth of her body so close to his.

"I love you too" he declared, holding Kara closer to his chest. "So, so, very much. I'm sorry it took me so long to say it."

"No, Mon-El! Don't be sorry. You didn't have to tell me, because you showed that you loved me by coming back, fighting with me, caring for me!" Kara exclaimed.

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you. It's about Imra." He informs. He could see the smile on Kara's face quickly disappear when he brought up her name. "What is it?" She asks in a whisper, letting go of his face.

"The marriage wasn't out of love. It was an arranged marriage. Imra's planet hated earth. And to keep peace between her planet and Earth, I had to marry her. The only type of relationship we ever had was a friendship. I couldn't even try to love someone who wasn't you, Kara. You have all of my heart, even when you don't want it, it's yours." He confesses.

Kara was speechless, her bright smile returned. She wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"And you have mine" she says between the kisses.

Mon-El breaks the kiss by trying to make conversation. "Ever since you were a child to now, what memory would always make you laugh?"

Karas arms still around Mon-El. "Blob" she states.
"Blob?" He laughs. " Yeah blob, I was blogging an article about the alien registry being stolen by cadmus and you consisted on calling it blob instead of blog."she laughed. "Oh yeah! Way to blob babe!" He continues to laugh.

"I love you" Kara says starring into Mon-Els grey beautiful eyes. "I love you, with everything that I have, I love you" he replies, pulling her back into their next kiss.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading. Sorry I haven't been updating lately, family stuff. I'll try to update soon. Have a great day!❤❤❤

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