Alone Together

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"I'm going back to Argo City" Kara stated, walking towards Jonn, Alex, Mon-El, and Winn. "Why?" Alex asked, not understanding why her little sister would want to risk her life by going to a falling city.

"They don't know what's happening, all of those innocent people, my people. I'm not going to let them die. And we can't do anything to save them, or us, from here." Kara exclaimed.

"Fine, but your not going alone. Mon-El will go with you." Jonn demands. "What? No, no I'm not." Mon-El says firmly.

"Yeah, he doesn't have to, I'm supergirl. I can handle this by myself.

"Its not up for discussion. Mon-El will accompany you to Argo." Jonn orders.

"And Mon-El, you can send a signal to the future, for the legion to come get you. Since you want to get back to your time as soon as possible" Alex adds.

"Wait, wait what? Your going back to the future? This soon? I thought you would wait until everything was taken cared of." Kara asked with disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah, well there's nothing keeping me here. Right?" He mumbles.

"Yeah, yeah right." Kara said folding her arms.

You could feel the tension between them, just by being in the same room as them.

"Well, I'd hate to be the one to break up this beautiful moment, but if your going to go you should head out now." Winn chips in, trying to break the awkward silence between them.

"Bye buddy" Winn says while giving Mon-El a hug. "Bye buddy" Mon-El says while letting go. "Wait Mon-El! Answer this question with full honesty, okay? Winn says seriously. "Yeah, what is it" he answers.

Winn grabs a hold of Mon-Els shoulders and looks into his eyes very seriously. "I never asked, do the Star Wars movies get any better?" He asks with the most serious face.

" Winn, of course they do" he sighs. "Your a good friend. Good bye Mon-El."

(Time skip)

Mon-El and Kara have been in Jonn's ship for about 3 hours now. Not saying a word to one another. They won't even look at each other. What happened? They had such a great friendship. Even after everything happening with Mon-El coming back they were still friends. They can get through this. Right?

"Are you really going back?" Kara whispers, being the first to break the silence.

He doesn't just ignores her.

"C'mon Mon-El! We are going to be stuck in her for about another 8 hours! So let's just talk about it." She yells, startling him a little.

"Talk about what, Kara? Talk about how you don't need me anymore, how you never needed me? How I love you and you don't love me. Do you just want to throw another knife into my heart?" Mon-El yells angrily.

"No" she whispers under her breath. "I don't want to hurt you Mon-El. I've never wanted to hurt you. It pains me to see you hurt." Kara confesses, realizing her intentions for Mon-El was only making things worse.

She realized that Mon-El was going to go to the Future either way. And that she spent the rest of the time that he had left with her yelling at him, hurting him, and lying to him.

"I'm so sorry Mon-El" she cries turning to face Mon-El. "I thought me hurting you would make you love me less, would make it easier for you to leave. I didn't want my love for you to keep you from being the man you need to be, the man you want to be."

"Kara" he places his hand caressing her cheek. "Kara, the man I want to be is the man that is with you. And for the man I need to be, well I can be him  here, with you." He confesses, wiping away Karas tears.

"Kara, I love you. And nothing that you say or do will make me stop loving you. And it sure as hell wouldn't make it less harder for me to leave you." He cries while holding Kara's face between his hands.

"I love you" Kara cries, placing her forehead against his." "Please don't leave me" she begs while fresh tears begin to fill down her face "Never" he promises. "I will never leave you, not again."

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy the story so far. I will try to update again soon.

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