The Question

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Kara was so disappointed that Mon-El and her were interrupted by her mother. They both were.

"Mon-El could you... Oh! Kara? Um, I can come back later." Alura turns around and begins to walk away.

"Wait, hold on." Mon-El shouts.

"Oh, no really it's fine. I was just wondering if you could help me contact Winn. But I just remembered how." Alura shouts back, heading down the stairs.

When Mon-El turns around back into his room he closes the door. And sees a beautiful Kara waiting for him on the bed.

Mon-El walks over and takes a seat next to his magnificent girlfriend.

They just both sit there starring into each other's eyes. Silence. Just enjoying one another's company. The silence broke once Mon-El began to speak.

"Marry me" he blurts out. Shocked from his own words.

"Excuse me?" Kara asks confused.

"Marry me" he repeats. "Kara, I love you, and I never want to lose you again. Marry me."

Karas face began to glow and shine with happiness and excitement.

"Yes" she whispers.

"Yeah?" He asks

" Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Kara exclaims.

They don't know who moved first but they both ended up in each other's arms. Their kiss more passionate than ever.

"Here, take this" Mon-El pulls out his region ring and places it on her finger. "Until I can get you an engagement ring."

"I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. I love being with you. I love your jokes. The way you make me feel. I love the way you can always make me happy. I love how you treat me so well. I just plain out love you!" Kara exclaims.

Kara spends the rest of the night with Mon-El, celebrating their quick and surprising engagement.

The light shining through the window wakes Kara up. When Kara awakes she is greeted by her handsome fiancee starring right at her with a smile.

"Good morning" she smiles, rolling over to Mon-El, placing her head onto his chest and hugging him tightly.

"Good morning future wife"

Kara couldn't help but giggle at those words. Future wife. She didn't think she was ever able to be this happy.

"So...." Kara says. " We are getting married! " She exclaims once again.

"Yep, and I'm the luckiest daxamite ever"

"And I'm the luckiest kryptonian ever." She says into his chest.

"What type of flowers do you want at our wedding?"
Mon-El asks.

"Roses." She stated with a smile

"I love roses!" Mon-El exclaims.

"Yeah! If we ever had a daughter we could call her Rose!" Kara says excitedly.

"Yeah" Mon-El whispers, wrapping his arms around me.

"When should we get married?" Kara asks, looking up to meet his grey eyes that made her melt inside.

"Right after we defeat Reign. I don't want to waste any time." He declares. Placing a little kiss onto Kara's lips.

Hey everyone, I hope your enjoying the story! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I won't be able to update next week, since I'll be camping. But once I get back I'll be updating like crazy! I promise.❤❤❤

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