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"Holy Reign" Winn shouts from his computer. "What is it agent Shcott?" Jonn asks. " Okay, um...How can I dumb this down for y'all? Okay, well reign is still connected to Krypton in some way." He informs. "What? No, no that's not possible Krypton was destroyed." Kara states while walking into the room.

She sees Mon-El leaning up against the wall with his head looking down trying to avoid eye contact with Kara. "Well Argo City wasn't" Mon-El mumbles under his breath.

"Wait, Mon-Els right, I totally forgot that Reign was sent to earth from Argo City." She agrees. "Well I'm glad I said the right thing this time." Mon-El blurted out angrily. Jonn and Winn just stare at him, with confused looks pasted across their faces. "What are you talking about?" Winn asks breaking the uncomfortable silence.

" Nothing, just forget it" he says while beginning to walk to the training room. That seems where he spends most of his time lately. "Glad I could help" he says while walking away with his head down.

Kara couldn't help but shed a tear. Wiping it away quickly before anyone could see it. "So, Winn! You were saying?" She says trying to get back on track. " Oh, right yes. Well it seems that with her connection and everything. She's messing with Argos gratify field. That keeps them in orbit. And if their whole gravity field stops working, then... Um, then Argo City will be falling towards earth." He informed them.

"That kind of impact would lead to major casualties" Jonn added. "Yeah, yeah it would. It would kill all of the kryptonians on Argo, and wipe out most of the earths population." Kara said with tears building up in her eyes.

"Excuse me." Kara says while walking towards the training room, forgetting that's where Mon-El is.

"Oh, Mon-El!" Kara jumped. " I forgot you were in here." She says while walking towards a cement block. "Don't worry, I was just leaving" he says strictly while walking right past her. "Mon-El?"

He stops in his tracks. Keeping his back to her. "Mon-El? Are you okay?" She asks concerned. He turns around and walks up towards her standing five feet away from her.

"Am I ok? Am I ok?! No kara, no I don't think I am okay. I came back for you, I left my wife for you. I told you how I felt about you! And you just rip out my heart. With your cold hands." He confesses in a yell.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that you came back, I never asked you to. I'm sorry you left your wife. And I'm sorry that I don't love you! She yells back at him. "And I'm sorry that you don't understand that I don't want you here!"

She didn't mean any of those things that she said. She only said it so he would go. Go back to the Future where it's safe, give him the chance to leave this time, this planet if he had to. She just wanted to keep him safe. All that she wanted to do was tell him how much she loved him. How much she cares for him. But she knew she couldn't. She knew she had to act like she hates him.

"Where has this Kara been? Huh? This Kara who actually has the guts to say the truth. Not just string my feelings around like some toy." He asks. "You acted so hurt, and so in love with me when Imra was here. But what? Now that I left her you want to be all honest?"

"We were always meant to say goodbye, Mon-El" she whispered.

"Clearly." He says with tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'm just being honest" She lied.

He takes 2 steps forward. "Who is this? This isn't the Kara I know, the Kara I love." He cries. She takes one step forward, leaving only a small gap between them. "She died when the Mon-El that I loved went into that pod" she stated with cold dark eyes. "Now get out of my way" she demanded.

Mon-El just shook his head looking down at his feet. He barely shifted his body to the right. Leaving Kara walking into him while she left the training room. Leaving Mon-El in tears. And Karas tears rolling down her cheeks as she left.

He didn't mean any of those things that he said either. He knew what she was doing. He knew she was lying, due to the crinkle on her forehead. He knew she was trying to hurt him so he would leave and go back to the Future. But Mon-El wasn't going to give up that easy.

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading, I hope your enjoying it so far❤❤❤

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