Argo City

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When Kara and Mon-El arrived on Argo City, Kara's mom was waiting there to greet them.

"Welcome back" Alura says , bringing Kara into a tight hug.

"Hey mom" Kara greets her mother.

"Hello Mon-El, it's nice to see you again" Alura says with a friendly smile towards Mon-El.

"Nice to see you too" Mon-El replies with a smile.

"Umm, we told Winn to contact you and tell you why we are here." Kara adds

"Oh, yeah he did, and I just want to say thank you, to the both of you for trying to save us. Your father worked so hard to keep Argo safe, Kara. And now you are doing the same. How long do we have?" Alura asked.

"Winn said we have a few weeks to stop Argo from entering the Earth's atmosphere." Mon-El answers.

"Oh, so we have some time." Laura stated

"Yeah, but we still don't know how to stop Argo from entering the Earths atmosphere." Kara whines.

"Well first, let's just go home, you guys must be tired, hungry, and probably are in need of a good wash." Alura mothers them.

It took about 15 minutes to reach Aluras home. It was nice, it has glass windows, with wooden  flooring in the living room, along with so many different plants. And the bedrooms, oh my God! The bedrooms! Karas bedroom had white carpet and a good king size bed, there were doors that led to a balcony, it has the most beautiful view. It shows this beautiful field that Kara use to dream about.

Once they reached inside Alura showed them to the rooms they would be staying in. Kara had the one with the beautiful view, and Mon-El has one that was way on the other side of the house.

"Dinner is in about 2 hours. That should give you guys some time to clean up." Alura informs.

Mon-El walked upstairs to his room, Kara wanting to following him. But was stopped by her mom.

"Hey Kara? Um, I couldn't help but notice that the Daxamite is wearing my necklace." She smiles.

"Yeah, um, I gave it to him. Are you mad?" Kara asked concerned her mother wasn't okay with it.

"Of course I'm not mad, I am just wondering why"

"We use to date, and I loved him so much, I still do. But you know how Daxamites are allergic to lead, well his people came to invade Earth, and the only way to get rid of them was to fill the atmosphere with lead. Making them all leave, including Mon-El. So I gave him the necklace to have him remember me. He came back from the future 6 months later as you already know." Kara informs her mother.

"Yeah, oh sweetie I'm so sorry" Alura pulls her daughter into a hug.

"It's okay mom, we are good now. He loves me and I love him." Kara blushed.

Kara then went upstairs, planning to go to her room, but instead found her self knocking on Mon-Els door.

I guess when she knocked he was in the middle of changing, because he opened up the door shirtless.

"Hey, come on in" Mon-El invited.

"Thanks, um, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to the fields with me after dinner?" She asks.

"Sure! Last time we were here I didn't get to do a lot of sight seeing." He explained.

Kara takes a seat on the bed right next to Mon-El. They both just sit there looking into each other's eyes.

"You know your eyes still shine like comets?" He whispered.

Kara just blushed.

"I love you, my little Kryptonian" Mon-El says now starting down at her lips.

"I love you, my Daxamite" Kara says, biting down on her lip to fight the urge of wanting to kiss him. But it didn't work.

Mon-El leans in to gently place his lips onto Karas. Kara gets up and sits on Mon-El's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

He lays onto the bed, Kara following on top of him. Mon-El rolls over now on top at Kara, she giggles.
He leans in to steal another kiss but is interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Hey! Mon-El can you help me with something?" Alura asks through the door.

"You've got to be kidding me" Kara whines while her and Mon-El straighten up before opening the door for Alura.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading. I was wondering if you guys would like to see a conversation between Alura and Mon-El in the next coming up chapter. Is so comment yes. If no then comment no.
Luv ya ❤❤❤

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