I Do

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"KARA!!!!!" Alex screams from the waiting room.

"Alex! What is it!" Kara hollers back. "I'm trying to get ready!"

"You should already be ready, we leave in 15 minutes!!! THIS IS YOUR WEDDING KARA! WE CAN'T BE LATE!!!" Alex screams, trying to hurry her sister up.

Kara walks out of the dressing room wearing a princess,white, wedding dress that falls to the floor. I mean, she is marrying a prince.

 I mean, she is marrying a prince

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Alex's eyes begin to water.

"Kara, you look so beautiful" she cries.

"I can't believe my little sister is getting married!" She exclaims. "Your my everything, I've been so alone, and nobody really allowed me to be me, until you came around. I'm so happy for you."

"Oh, Alex" Kara cries , pulling her sister into a hug.

Alex pushes back, gently.

"Okay, okay. It's almost time." Alex says, wiping away her happy tears.

"Yeah, I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!" Kara screams, jumping up and down.

"Yes you are" Alex says, grabbing Karas hand, leading her out of the room.

Mon-El was standing at the alter, in his black suite. He looked extremely handsome.

Kara asked Jonn if he would give her away, since her father couldnt do it.

When Kara began walking down the isle, everyone on both sides of the room began to tear up.

Kara made her way up to Jonn, and they locked arms. Jonn walked Kara up to Mon-El and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, before returning back to his seat.

There, Kara and Mon-El stood in front of one another, holding hands, not breaking eye contact. Mon-Els eyes began to water with happiness and kara let out a tear.

"You look absolutely stunning" Mon-El compliments.

Kara just blushed, she was fighting the urge to just kiss him right there right now, but she knew she had to wait.

Eliza was going to perform the ceremony, she was the only one that they knew was certified to marry

Eliza began.

"We are here to join Kara Zor-El of Krypton, and Mon-El of Daxam in holy matrimony." Eliza says. "We are going to start with the Vows, Mon-El, you may go first."

Mon-El took a deep breath.

"Kara, you saved me. You didn't just save me, you saved me from myself. I was an arrogant Daxamite, and you made me better. You found me in the dark, all alone, and you brought me into the light. I've woken up every morning with a smile on my face,
knowing that I would be seeing you. And those years without you destroyed me. And that's why I never want to leave you again. You. You, Kara Zor-El, are the love of my life, and always will be." He breathes

Karas eyes begin to water.

"Um... Mon-El, when I found you in that pod, I felt an instant connection with you. I didn't know that it would lead to this, but I'm glad it did. You've made me so happy, and you always will. I was all about being supergirl before I met you. I guess I forgot how to be myself, Kara Danvers. Until you came around. Mon-El, I didn't save you that day in that pod, you saved me. And I love you to pieces." She cries.

"Who would have thought" Mon-El adds.

"A girl from Krypton" Kara laughs.

"And a boy from Daxam" Mon-El smiles.

"Falling in love" They both say in unison. 

They just stand there, starring into each other's eyes. It was as if it was just them, nobody else. Just them.

"Mon-El do you take Kara, to be your lawful wedded wife? To honor and protect her in sickness and in health, for poorer or for richer, till death do you part?" Eliza interrupts their gaze.

"I Do" He grins.

"Kara do you take Mon-El, to be your lawful wedded husband? To honor and protect him in sickness and in health, for poorer or for richer, till death do you part?" Eliza repeats.

"I Do" She cries.

"Then, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the Kryptonian." Eliza smiles.

Mon-El doesn't waste anytime, he quickly pulls Kara to his body, and places a gentle, long, passionate kiss on her lips. Which Kara responds to.

When they pull apart the whole room is filled with cheer and happiness, but they discard it. They just hold onto one another, breathing each other in.

"I love you, my Daxamite husband" Kara smirks

"I love you, my Kryptonian wife" He smiles.

"Stay with me" She says.

"Forever" He responds

Kara grabs his face with her palms and pulls him into another kiss. Another kiss that explains how happy she is now, and how much she loves him.

The End...

Thank you guys so much for reading! I enjoyed writing this story so much, and I hoped you all enjoyed reading it! I will be writing more Karamel storys. ❤❤❤

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