Wake Up

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"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!" Mon-El yelled while walking into the room where reign was being contained. "Excuse me"she said with a goofy grin on her face. "I swear to Rao, if you don't tell me what you did to her I wi-" "will what? Kill me? Now we both know that's not what Kara wants." She stated.

"It's funny how you think I care" Mon-El replied sarcastically. "Oh, but don't you?" Reign asked already knowing the answer. "I don't care! All I want to do is help her!" he yelled back. "Well I'm sorry to tell you, but there's nothing you can do to help her. It's all up to her. And how her body reacts to it. Maybe she will wake up maybe she won't. But either way, she won't be able to stop what's to come." Reign confessed. "Your lying!" Mon-El shouted back. " believe that if you want. Just know there will be no way to save your little kryptonian." Reign laughed as Mon-El turned around and begin walking to the training room.

Mon-El began throwing punches into the wall, having most of it fall down to his side. He screamed as if he was being tortured. He placed his forehead on the wall and started banging on it while screaming. When he couldn't scream any longer he turned around and slid down against the wall on his back. He was curled up in a ball, and he just began to cry. Not tears like anyone else would be crying. These tears were filled with sorrow and regret. He regretted not telling Kara how much he still loves her. He regretted how he never kissed Kara, how he never held her close to his chest when she needed comfort. He regretted everything.

"Mon-El?" Mon-El looks up and he sees Winn standing just 7 feet in front of him. " Hey, buddy. How you doing? " Winn asks all concerned. "Well Winn, truth be told I've been better" he says whipping his tears away. "She's strong. She is powerful. The force is in her." Winn says trying to comfort him. " I don't need a star wars reference right now Winn. " Mon-El couldn't help but grin a little.

"She'll be fine, she will wake up, we just need to hold onto that little piece of hope" Winn adds.
"You mean that 4% of hope?" Mon-El asks. "At least it's better than 0%" Winn says with a some what of a smile. "Hey I've got to go, Jonn needs me to scan for kryptonite in National City." Winn says while walking away. "And maybe you can go and check on Kara." He adds while leaving the room.

Mon-El gets up and starts heading to the med bay. When he looks through the door all he sees is Kara, she looks like she's sleeping peacefully. Mon-El let's out a huge breath he didn't even know he was holding in, and begins to walk in. He pulls up a chair and sits beside Karas bedside.

He grabs her hand and intertwine their fingers together. "Kara?" He's asks with sadness in his voice. " Kara, you need to wake up. Please. Wake up. We need you, National City needs you, I need you. "He whispers while whipping his tears away from his cheek. "I need you Kara, I need you with me, I need you to be strong, to fight with me, to be with me, I need you to wake up." He confesses in a whisper.

He leans over to her and places a kiss on her forehead. He then places his forehead onto hers. "I love you, and I should have said it before" he whispers. He then moved down to hear ear and whispered the words " Wake Up! "

"Mon-El? "....

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading. I'm kinda of hitting writers block so if you have any ideas for the next coming up chapters please comment your ideas. Thank you❤

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