The Wait

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"She's breathing, but barely" Alex says with a cracked voice. "Well do something! Help her!" Mon-El demanded. Mon-El picked Kara up in his arms holding her close to his chest. "Go put her on a bed in the med bay" Alex shouted.

Mon-El places Kara onto the bed as gently as he could. He sat down beside her bedside waiting for the doctors to come in. "You need to get out Mon-El" one of the doctors said in a soft tone. " What? No! I'm not leaving her" he insisted. Mon-El you have to get out, you have to let them work" Alex said standing by the door.

Mon-El stood up and just walked right past Alex without even saying anything, totally ghosting her. "Mon-El wait!" Alex shouted. He keeps on walking trying to block out her voice. " MON-EL" she shouted even louder. Mon-El just stands there, his back to her. "Mon-El" she says in a hushed gentle voice. "She's going to be okay. I promise. She's though, she's a fighter."

Mon-El turns around with tears in his eyes. His head looking down. "You say she will be alright. But yet you don't know. None of us here know! Not yet."
" Mon-El " she says in a kind soothing tone. "She will be fine" Mon-Els head just shakes while looking down. "Hey, hey, look at me" Mon-El slowly lifts up his head to see Alex about to cry. " she will be okay, she has to be. " Alex's cried.

Hours later

Mon-El finds himself walking up and down the hallway waiting to see what the doctors have to say.
After about 4 hours of waiting one of the doctors walk out. "Doctor! What is it? Is she okay? Is she in pain? What's happening to her?" Mon-El asks with a concerning look on his face. "Okay, Mon-El I will answer all of your questions, but I want to wait till we can tell everyone at once." The doctor says with a sad and disappointed look on his face. "Okay" Mon-El says before running around to collect everyone.

They are all huddled around the table. Waiting for the doctor to explain what's going on with Kara.
"So, doctor what is it?" Jonn ask. " Well her body is fine, nothing physical is wrong" the doctor explains. "Then what is it" Alex asks with a depressing look on her face.

"We scanned her brain and it seems that there's something that is blocking her brain from functioning correctly. And if we can't find out what it is there's probably an 96% chance she won't be waking up."

You could actually hear Mon-Els heart shatter to pieces if you listened closely. All that Mon-El could do was stand there, he's couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he couldn't do anything but stand there. It was like he was frozen.

You could see everyone's eyes begin to fill up with tears. Except for Mon-El. He would only just stand there. "Wait" Winn said, being the first to break the silence. "You said something is blocking her brain?"
" Yes" the doctor answered. "Mon-El didn't reign say something about a plan that no one could stop?" Winn asked. "Yeah, but I don't see how that will help Kara". "You were with reign as well, but you weren't infected by anything." Winn adds. " Yeah, but how do you know this is reign? " Alex asked with a confused look on her face.

Winn didn't even answer her question, quickly he pulled out his phone and dialed Lois.

Lois: hello?
Winn: yeah, hey Lois? This is Winn
Lois: oh, yes winn, thank God you called, something is wrong with clark.
Winn: yep, thats what I thought. Same thing with kara.
Lois: what do you think it is?
Winn: we don't know yet, I'll let you know when we find out.
Lois: okay, bye
Winn: bye

Winn hanged up and placed his phone back into his pocket. "I knew it, whatever plan reign has, it's first step was to kill the only people close enough to stop them."

"So reign knows how to fix her then?" Before any one could answer Mon-El was already running towards her cell.

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading. If you have any ideas to make this story better or anything you would like to see just let me know.

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