Stay With Me

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"GUYS!!!!! GUYS!!!!! WINN FOUND IT!!! HE FOUND THE PLACE!!!!" Alura exclaims in excitement.

Mon-El running down the stairs quickly, Kara following him not so far behind.

"Where is it?" Mon-El asks.

"It's the old abandon house on 24th street, it was  once a home to some old lady that everyone called a witch." Alura informed them.

"Well let's go!" Kara says eagerly, grabbing a hold of Mon-Els hand and running out towards the door.

"Wait!" Alura yells

"You need to take this, it should destroy the building." Alura hands them a box with a button on the top. "Just press this button. And the timer should count down from 2 minutes. Enough time for y'all to get out."

"There, in the middle" Mon-El points to the floor of the small house.

"Okay" Kara walks over to place it down.


"Oh" Kara whispers, looking down at her feet.

"What?" Mon-El asks, confused.

"Babe, go." Kara instructs.


"Mon-El, I tripped a land mine. You need to get out. I'll destroy the house, but only when your out."

"But how will you get out?" Mon-El asks worried.

Kara just gives him a sad look.

"Your not." He cries.

Mon-El walks around the room, looking down at his feet.

"No!" He exclaims, making eye contact with Kara.


"No, no I'm not leaving you." He crys.

Kara reaches over to grab his hands.

"Mon-El, you need to. I lost you once, I'm not going to lose you again." She crys, squeezing Mon-Els hands.

"So what? It's my turn to lose you?" He says, tears rolling down his face.

"You have a life to live. A life to love. I life to laugh, and smile." Kara gives him a sad smile.

"No, I have a life to live with you. A life to love you. To laugh and smile with you. I have a future with you. We were going to get married." He cries.

"I can't lose you, losing you would kill me." He sobs.

Kara places a hand on his face, caressing his cheeks.

"I love you" she whispers, new fresh tears filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry" he whispers.

"About what?"

"This." Mon-El pushes Kara off the land mind and steps onto it, because of his speed he had enough time before it blows.

"NO! STOP IT!" Kara screams.

"I love you too, till death do us part." He smiles. He smiles because he now knows that she will be safe.

"Stay with me" She crys.

"I'm always with you." He can't stop smiling.

"I can't lose you again" She cries.

"Your not losing me Kara, you never will. I'll always be by your side, in your heart, I'll always be with you." Now he's the one caressing her face.

"But...but I just got you back!" She cries louder.

"You always had me Kara, goodbye."

"No! No! I'm going to get help." She demands.

"It's to late Kara, it's time to let me go" he laughs

"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!?!? This is your fault. Why couldn't you just let me do it?" She shouts, tears still rolling down her face.

"I'm laughing because i'm happy, I'm happy you will live, you will be okay. And I couldn't let myself not save you." He smiles.

"I just want to be with you, I wanted to be with you forever. For infinity." She sobs.

"I know."

"Mon-El, please, please stay with me." She begs.

"You know I would if I could." He smiles.

"I love you so much." She cries.

Mon-El grabs her face with his hands and pulls it to his. Giving her one last kiss. A kiss that shows how much he loves her, how he wants her to be brave, and be who she is.

"I love you. Stay strong, and keep holding on. Because you will make it. This is my destiny, not yours. I will always be here for you. Your the love of my life." He finally released a tear.

"Mon-El" she whispers.

"Goodbye Kara" he whispers, letting her face go.

"Goodbye Mon-El" she cries , leaving the room.

"I do" she cries.

Mon-El smiles.

"I do" Kara leaves the house, running and crying, and doesn't look back, because she knows if she does she will run in to stay with him. And Earth needs her, but so did Mon-El.

Once Mon-El sees Kara running from the house, crying, from the broken glassed window, he takes a step off of the land mind.

"Goodbye my love" he cries, right before the house blows up.

When Kara heard the explosion she quickly turns around, to see the house destroyed and on fire.

"MON-EL!!!!!!!" she cries out. Falling to her knees.

Kara felt weak from the loss of Mon-El. Her heart was shattered into a billion of pieces.

Kara just sat there, on her knees. Crying and screaming, until her mom found her.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? You did it! You destroyed it! You saved Argo City, and Earth! You stoped Reign!!!" Alura exclaims

"Mon-El was still in there!" She screamed.

Kara got up, and ran to the ship that Mon-El and her both arrived in. She got in and flew back to Earth. She was going to kill Reign, for doing this. For threatening both of her planets. And for killing the love of her life.

To be continued...

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Stay With Me (Karamel)Where stories live. Discover now