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Mon-El woke up to a certain kryponion's head laying on his bare chest. I can't believe I'm going to marry the most beautiful woman ever.

Karas eyes flutter open, her arms begin wrapping around Mon-Els torso.

"Good morning my beautiful fiancee" Mon-El smiles, caressing Kara's blonde curls.

"Good morning" She yawns, reaching up for a Kiss.

Mon-El returns the kiss, and begins to climb out of bed.

"Stay" Kara whines

"I can't, and neither can you. We have to figure out how to stop reign. And besides, the faster we stop her... The faster we get married." He whispered the last part.

Kara shot right out of bed and super sped to get dress. Mon-El quickly doing the same. (But not as fast)

"let's go!" She exclaimed, pulling Mon-El into one last kiss.

They both leave Mon-Els room and head downstairs.

"Morning" Alura grins.

"Morning mom" Kara gives her a quick hug.

"You two didn't get any sleep last night did you?" She laughed.

Kara and Mon-El just starred at one another and broke down in laughter.

"Oh! Mom! Um... Mon-El and I are engaged!" Kara exclaimed.

"I figured. After hearing you scream yes five times I had a few ideas." She laughed.

"Did Winn tell you anything important that would help us?" Mon-El asked quickly. But in a kind way.

"Oh! Yeah! Winn found out how to stop the connection between Reign and Argo City!" Alura exclaimed.

"OMR!!!! Okay, well how?" Kara asked excitedly.

"Well all we have to do is go to the place where Reign was 'created' and destroy it, then her connection to Argo City will forever be lost." Alura explained.

"But where is that?" Mon-El asked.

"No clue, but it's a step closer to saving Argo. And we have enough time to find out." Alura says. "So you guys are free to do whatever you want. Winn said he will try to find out by talking to Reign."


Kara is in her mother's old lacey white dress. She is walking down this path, of a beautiful field. Kara reaches out her hand to feel the flowers touch, but instead she feels a familiar touch in her hand.

Mon-El wraps his arms around Kara's waist, placing small kisses along her neck.

"Hey" He whispers into her ear.

"Hey" She smiles, turning around to see him now wearing one of her fathers old white button up shirts.

"Well don't you look nice!" She exclaimed. Now wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I can't wait to be your wife" She whispers. Placing her forehead onto his.

"And I can't wait to be your husband. Kara, I've loved you for years. And I always will love you."

"I have loved you ever since I found you asleep in that pod. I might not have know it at the time, but I did." She whispered.

To be continued...

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