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"Monel?" Kara whispers, slowly opening her eyes to see a crying Mon-El. "Kara!" He crys. " Doctors! Doctors get in here! She's awake! "He exclaims with joy and happiness in his voice. "Monel" Kara says weakly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm here Kara, I'm here." He says while squeezing her hand tighter than before.

"Mon-El, what, what's happening?" She asks while closing her eyes. "Don't worry about it, all that matters is that your going to be fine. Kara I lov-" Mon-El was interrupted by three doctors rushing in. "Your awake!" One of the doctors say. "We are going to run a few test on you, if your up for that?" Another doctor asks. " Umm.. Yeah, yeah sure" she answers with a tired tone.

"Um, I'll give y'all same space then." Mon-El adds while standing up and turns towards the door, but he is stopped when he feels Karas hand grabbing his. " Stay. Please."She begs. Mon-El doesn't say anything, he just sits back down grabbing a hold of Karas hand and intertwine their fingers.

They just stay their looking into each other's eyes, while the doctors are taking a blood test. "Okay, we will let you rest. We will be back later to run a few more tests." The doctor adds as they leave Mon-El and Kara alone in the room.

"You scared me" Mon-El confessed. "I'm sorry" she apologizes. "Don't be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing." He assures her. " I'm just glad your okay." "Yeah?" She asks with a grin. "Yeah, I don't know what I would have done without you. Your the whole reason I came back." He confesses.

Kara couldn't help but smile. She remembers the conversation they had in Argo, how close they were to kiss. She remembers all of the feelings she felt, it was all the same feelings she felt that day she found him on that ship.

All that Kara wanted to do was grab Mon-Els face and give him the most passionate kiss. But yet she didn't. What was stopping her? "Mon-El? You would have done just fine without me. You don't need me." She says with tears building up in her eyes. She knew he had to go back to the future. She knew he couldn't stick around forever, no matter how much they both wanted him to.

"Kara, I would be a mess without you. It would be like reliving those seven years without you, but 10x worse." He said wiping away Karas tears.

"That's not true." She says while tears roll down her cheeks. "You don't need me, you've never needed me. You became this great hero, without me."

"Kara, your the one who saved me. You didn't just save me from that pod, you saved me from myself. I was a selfish and ignorant man that I didn't know. And you turned me into a hero, you turned me into someone capable of loving someone. Loving you." He confesses. Now he's the one with tears running down his cheek.

"Yeah, well that man who loves me is gone . Now he's a better person, because he didn't have me." She cried.

"Kara, I'm a better man now because I have you. Kara, I love you." He exclaims. Kara just began to cry. "Why? Mon-El, why tell me that you love me?" She asks.

" I... I don't understand." He says with a confused look on his face. "Why tell me that you love me? Come on Mon-El we know you will have to go back to the future. And I don't think I can relive that. Relive that pain. We can't be in love, not again Mon-El." She says crying even harder than before.

Kara does love him. She loves him so much, more than he could imagine. But she knew that he was going to leave once reign was defeated. She knew that no matter how much she loved him, she couldn't be selfish and keep him from where he needs to be. To hold him back from who he has to be, and that's a hero.

"Mon-El your going back to the Future once we are are done with reign." She informs him. " Kara, Kara no" he replies with tears running down his cheek. "I'm sorry Mon-El" but I don't feel the same way anymore" she lied.

Kara let's go of his hand and turns to her side, her back to him. "Please leave" she asks. "Kara" he cries. "Leave! Please." She begs.

Mon-El gets up, and walks out with his hand over his face to hide his tears from the other agents. Kara just faces the wall crying.

"Kara?" Alex asks standing at the door.

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading❤❤❤

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