How It All Started

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"Where is my baby? Why did you take her away from me," another yells in the hospital room. The nurse gives her a sad look but doesn't answer her, but goes on checking her vitals and making she, the mother, was okay.

In another room...

"What's wrong with the baby sir," a nurse asks the doctor as they stare at the sick newborn.

"It appears the baby has neuroblastoma. I'm not sure I guess we will have to wait and see," is all the doctor says sighing.

"Cancer! What do we tell the mother, sir," the nurse asked following him out the door.

Sighing he says, "Tell her the truth of course and let her know that we need to run a couple of tests to see how bad it is. We are lucky we saw something in the ultrasounds the mother already knows this could happen she is simply going into mother bear mood."

The nurse nods giving a quick "Of course." Before turning away from the doctor and toward a room with the sad mother.

The nurse walks in looking at the women's state. She was in tears begging for someone to give her news on her baby daughter, that they took away from her. The nurse walks to her bed smiling sweetly.

"Mrs. Anderson I have news on your daughter." the nurse announced. The mother instantly quiets down, staring at the nurse with puffy red eyes.

"Why did you take her away from me." she asks softly sniffling.

"I am sorry about the Mrs. but it was fir your daughters own good. Sadly, it appears the ultrasounds were correct, I'm sorry Mrs. your daughter has cancer. We are already doing what we can to help her and keep her alive." the nurses voice was silky smooth calming the mother.

She fell back into her pillows looking amazed. "Oh, thank you miss."

"No problem." the nurse says excusing herself and heading back to the doctor.

Four year later...

"Come on Kayley, get into the car." Mrs. Anderson says pulling her reluctant daughter into the car.

"No I don't want to go to the doctors again!" Kayley screeches fighting back angrily. "Let me go!"

"You are going into this car whether you like it or not." Mrs. Anderson says picking up the screaming kicking girl and places her down in her seat before quickly buckling her up before she could escape.

Mrs. Anderson drove to the doctors, all the while Kayley screams and screams and screams.

Mrs. Anderson sighed when she pulls up to the doctors. She got out of the car slamming the door drowning out Kayley's screams. She takes a deep breath before opening Kayley door.

"Lets go Kayley!" she says with force. This confuses Kayley so she stops screaming to hear her mom. Sighing she came up with an idea. "Let's make a deal Kayley." Kayley stairs at her mom ready to hear her terms. "Okay, uh, if you don't fight me to go to the doctors when ever we need to go I will buy you ice cream. Sounds good,"

Kayley nods. "Yes Mama," she says letting her mom unbuckle her. Kayley hopped out taking her mother's finger with her miniature meaty hands. "Mama I have a question,"

"What is it Kayley," her mom asked looking at her daughter with so much love.

"Why do I have to go to the doctors so often my friends says they don't go as often as I do. Is there something wrong with me," Kayley asked nervously looking at her feet as she walked inside the building.

Her mom came to an erupt stop, she pulls Kayley in front of her. She kneels down so that she was eye level with her daughter. "Kayley, I want you to listen to me carefully. There is nothing wrong about you. I am simply more worried about my baby girls health unlike your friends parents are. You got ." Kayley nods once again.

Two years later...

Kayley ran home from school excited to tell her mom about how she stood up to a bully. It was a hot spring day. Kayley slammed the door open running to her mom who was in the kitchen making food. "Mommy, mommy, guess what I did," Kayley said smiling tremendously her eyes twinkled with excitement.

"What didja do today, Pumpkin," her mom asks not looking up from the pot of food she was stirring.

"You know Iris," Kayley asked her mom. Ally Anderson, Kayley's mom, hums in response, so Kayley continues, "Well she was picking on Kenny and I told her to leave him alone and she did!" Kayley said bouncing all around.

Ally stopped stirring to stare at her daughter proudly. She gave her a hug whispering, " was extremely heroic of you, I'm so proud of you." Kayley's eyes sparkled with pride for one second until the world became black and as her mom released her from the hug she fell to the floor limp.

Ally fell to the floor trying to wake her up and hopelessly calling for help.

Six years later...

Kayley was now twelve and stilled visited the hospital pretty often. Kayley laid in the hospital room preparing herself for another x-ray to see if the doctors spot anymore cancer they always had a chance of find every couple of years. Kayley had gotten the nickname cancer from some of the kids in her neighborhood. The doctors weren't as surprise because normally those who survive neuroblastoma tend to be more exposed to more cancers. Kayley had been at the hospital so many times she was known by the majority of the staff. When she hung out at the hospital waiting for her mother that was getting more and more busy with life Kayley didn't mind she would take the opportunity to talk to the staff. Because of her love for helping people she would ask them to teach something about medicines and the type of surgeries they do or anything that had to do with being a doctor or a nurses they were willing to share. Many enjoyed her love for medicine and helping people, but others simply got annoyed and ignored her. Due to going to the hospital so many times and seeing all the needy people Kayley wanted to become a doctor to help those sort of people. She was going to become the greatest nurse ever.

"Are you ready," Dr. Martin asked tightening her blonde ponytail. Kayley nodded her own red hair was up in a bun and her silver eyes stared at Dr. Martin. "Superb."

Some nurses Kayley knew well came in and pushed her towards the x-ray room. X-rays always made Kayley nervous because while she wanted to know whether she had a another form of cancer or not. She also didn't want to go in there for the tenth time to find nothing wrong with her.

Kayley showed signs of being fine besides the fact she would faint for no reason. Sometimes she felt like her whole body was on fire while having a fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Or she will be incredibly cold and freezing and her lips will turn blue in the middle of summer. There will be periods of times where she loses the senses in a part of her body or she will have a migraine that would last for about a week. There are times when she has symptoms similar to the flu and she has trouble breathing.

* * *

Kayley came out with all of the nurses pushing her bed each of them stayed quiet. Kayley was glad they hadn't found anything again. She glanced around to ask one of the nurses a question but before she could she plunged into darkness once again.

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